First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic Hub First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme      Bohemian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme ("YELP")  -  A Community Driven Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme  

   Why implementing YELP now is necessary


     The Business Plan Developer researched Fifteen Problems many resulting from the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks, which bring on Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases and Other Personal, Social, Productivity and Environmental Costs, where the Annual Costs of Negligent Lifestyle exceed $155b


      He identified the Causes of the Adverse Effects of Negligent Lifestyle to make possible for Governments to -

*    establish a Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme enabling Interested Adults to implement Positive Lifestyle Changes and Materially Alter Lifestyle which evidences a Cultural Social Change Less Reliant On Economic Materialism; and

*    quantify, using Return On YELP Capex Software, the reduction in the $cost of the Fifteen Problems, in particular Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases and Other Personal, Social, Productivity and Environmental Costs


         Conduct 16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme for the Six Reasons For Preparatory Research Programme involving 150 'Team YELP'  Participants across 5 States and ACT (forming 50 x 3 person teams in small, discrete LCCBSGs) to train during a 6 Months Training Schedule progressively commencing on 13 Aug 2011 (in Sheffield, Tasmania) and concluding on 9 Dec 2012 (in Canberra, ACT) to either swim, cycle or run in their state's Annual Endurance Triathlon

Employ 20 Recreational Exercise Consultants under a 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot to Take Charge Of 5,200 Interested Adults in the Pilot Sample who commence one of 15 Recreational Exercise Activities at one of an existing +900 LDREGs in NSW


         Under the 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme for the Two "Deal Breaker" Purposes Of The Primary Research Programme invite -  

        *    25 Volunteers from amongst the Disadvantaged; and

                 *    another 25 Volunteers from a Specific Industry Group,

        each who are leading a Sedentary Lifestyle and afflicted by at least one of the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks, with half of the 50 Volunteers also enduring Another Health Ailment, to -

*    quantify the Hypothesis' scope to reduce each of the Fifteen Problems, in particular the high cost of the Three Public Health Risks; and

*    forecast the Economic Return On YELP Capex and the change in Cashflow resulting from fiscal allocations of Capex on Human Brownfield Infrastructure from implementing the Propagation Phase to achieve Collective Action (over 100,000 Participants) by end-2015 and >165,000 Interested Adults becoming Participants in LDREGs by end-2016 as set out in Propagation Forecasts And Targets and Milestone Timetable

Reduce Supplementary Patient Guidance Role of GPs by employing lower cost, more experienced RECs to perform the Final Three Stages of Lifescripts former Five Basic ‘Stages of Change’

         Beyond 2014, two of the Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives, namely a low cost user-friendly YELP Website and Accredited Participants, will enable RECs to limit their duties to -

*     Supervising  Disabled and Disadvantaged  Interested Adults; and

*     supporting Community Support Providers who are the backbone of LCCBSGs which foster a Sense Of Community

         Forecast Return On YELP Capex to reduce Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks which cause Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases, is tenfold within 5 years due to Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives.

         Return On YELP Capex Formula evidences that based on the YELP Budget of $19,400,365 for 4.9 years to end June 2016, the (net) Forecast Return On YELP Capex will reduce Adverse Costs by in excess of $212 million dollars within 5 years.

         Uses Existing Recreational & Competitive Exercise Infrastructure and draws on Existing Human Resources

         50/50 Funding Model enables Attracting Private Sector Funding in accord with "Future funding models for prevention set out in the Taskforce's Final Report, which will benefit from Complimentary Employee Enthusiasm

         Achieve YELP  SPV's Eight KPIs


 #       Section Title


   1.        What?  When?  Where?  Why?  How?  and  How Much?

  2.        Snapshot of Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks, facing the Western World due to current Lifestyle Behaviour which have demographic and socio-economic influences  

  3.        Looking closer into the Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks

  4.       Should Australian Governments establish an explicit Web platformed lifestyle programme to assist Interested Adults change their Lifestyle Behaviour to reduce the Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks, where the results of the programme are quantified, with low on-going material costs due to utilising e-Learning and e-Research Techniques? 

            A lifestyle programme based on encouraging Interested Adults to re-ignite Youthful Exuberance by selecting, for the Pilot, one of 15 Recreational Exercise Activities (from a YELP Website) where an accredited REC who would Take Charge Of  Interested Adults keen to join a LDREG

            Would commencing a REA  Materially Alter Lifestyle by implementing Lifestyle Changes which evidences a Cultural Social Change Less Reliant On Economic Materialism to reduce the Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks?

            Would a Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme -

            (i)          provide GPs Patients with a new "safe" option to ward off anxiety, Depression, Obesity/Type 2 Diabetes and reduce Substance Abuse; and

            (ii)         encourage other Adult Enquirers to similarly Materially Alter Lifestyle?


 5.        Impact of "Two "Free Market" Traditional Economic Influences" on Western World's penchant for Economic Materialism

 6.        Five Guidance Influences over humans in the Western World:

            *           Initial four influences are in the best interests of the individual

            *           the 5th Guidance Influence, namely the Free Enterprise Media Marketing Influence (most powerful) is not directed towards the best interests of the individual, but "the best interests of the party paying for the media advertising", usually to -

                        +         sell consumer goods; or
                        +         influence political or religious allegiance


 7.         Consistent with the "Role of Government", Government should initiate a 6th "Guidance Influence" initially launching "YELP" which -

 (I.)        Proactively treats the cause of good health by engaging seasoned sports administrators to assist communities implement Positive Lifestyle Changes rather than reactively incurring the health costs from the effect of Negligent Lifestyle Behaviour; and

 (II.)       achieves Fifteen Benefits Of Materially Altered Lifestyle

              50% of Budget Costs for YELP Holistic First Business Plan to be born by the private sector 


 8.         Australian Government implementing controls to address new problems in modern day society is not new           

 9.         "Sport has the power to change the world.  It has the power to inspire in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand.  Sport can create hope, where once there was despair.  It is more powerful than Governments in breaking down barriers.  It laughs in the face of discrimination."  Nelson Mandela.      

10.        21½ Months Pilot of the YELP  SPV employing 20 RECs who would -

              *      "Supervise" Adults into 8 Rigorous Recreational Exercise Activities; and

              *       "Refer" other Adults to local Organisers of 6 Moderate Recreational Exercise Activities,

             for 15 Recreational Exercise Activities available at +900 Local District Recreational Exercise Groups (in the case of NSW) using Existing Recreational & Competitive Exercise Infrastructure that Organisers, potential RECs and Fit Old Farts presently utilise - also draw on Existing Human Resources
The Pilot could be conducted in another State and/or ACT as explained in Venue Of Primary Research Programme

11.        Websites are an effective delivery medium -

(i)          to promote sporting activities eg. ocean swims and mountain bike 24 hour events; and

(ii)         which can be cost-effectively deployed to - 

              (a)         provide pertinent Training Procedures to interested Adults;

              (b)         pass a Multiple Choice Test on their comprehension of Training Procedures to Acquire Theoretical Knowledge;

              (c)         receive Participant Testimonials from Adults on the Supervision performance of the REC; and  

              (d)         receive a Participant Performance Report on each Adult's continuation of the REA and extent of Materially Altered Lifestyle.

             e-Training and e-Research Techniques through the Internet makes it possible, practical and highly economic

12.       Employing early retirees who have a proven +10 year track-record in local voluntary sports administration possessing Eleven Sport Administration Attributes, as RECs will -

            *          be highly cost-effective and Reduce Supplementary Patient Guidance Role of GP's; and

*          provide an early transition to a 4 year career (max) to assist many Interested Adults introduce Lifestyle Changes to Materially Alter Lifestyle

*          accord with Golden Gurus

13.        Pilot Goals, Forecasts and Predictions

14.        Rationale -

  *         of utilising the Eleven Sport Administration Attributes of proven volunteer sports administrators around retirement age who achieve Accreditation Benchmarks as RECs

  *         to Commoditise via the Internet an existing array of 15 independent sports into 15 interdependent Recreational Exercise Activities to assist Interested Adults reduce the Fifteen Problems

15.        Marketing opportunities to promote YELP to secure greater than 5,200 Interested Adults to commence a REA during the Pilot

16.        The Hypothesis' scope to materially reduce the Fifteen Problems during a 10 months Primary Research Programme encompassed within the 21½ Months Pilot in NSW or another State and/or ACT

17.        20 Months Budget to cover issuing post- Pilot and post-Primary Research Programme reports

18.        Why YELP is a Business Plan and not a  Research Programme

19.        Conditions Precedent to Propagation of YELP to all other Australian States

 20.       Encourage An Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model for all LDREGs to adopt

 21.       Community Organising Model For Social And Economic Change accords with Social Democratic Government and the need for a 6th Guidance Influence and the Prime Minister's Goal To Involve The Private Sector, Facilitate Corporate Social Responsibility And Utilise Golden Gurus

 22.       Invite Pioneer Fit Old Farts to -

             *          'Fine-Tune' YELP First Business Plan; or

             *          declare that the YELP First Business Plan lacks integrity and is an impractical "community-based disease prevention program"

 23.       Liability Risk Management

 24.       Utilise the skills of RECs and Pioneer FOFs under the Golden Gurus programme

 25.       50/50 Funding Model enables Attracting Private Sector Funding for the Four Benefits To 12 Proposed Private Sector Equity Holders which accords with "Future funding models for prevention set out in the Final Report, which will benefit from Complimentary Employee Enthusiasm

 26.       YELP  SPV's Eight KPIs

 27.       Implement 'learning by doing' to achieve by end-2016,  165,000 fitter, stronger Australian  Interested Adults better able to work (from 2023) to 67 pension age

 28.       NPA's  Board of Governance would control Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes

 29.       Under 50/50 Funding Model, YELP Holistic Hub First Business Plan would cost the Australian government only 7½% of the $200m to $300m which former Minister for Health & Ageing, Tony Abbott, stated (in late August 2007) would cost Dept of Health & Ageing to deliver an explicit Preventive Health programme to tackle Obesity


    Annexure Title

   A.        Defined Terms for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

   A(i)      Defined Terms for Five Business Plans

   B.        Structure Diagram for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  C.        Review of NSW Department of Health and former Department of Health and Ageing's separate health strategies, in particular re promoting healthy lifestyles

  D.        SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  E.         Head Consultant's Conditions Precedent To 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  F.         Executive Summary for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  G.        Schedule of Correspondence for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  H.        YELP Budget for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  H(i)      Snapshot Of Budget 4.9 years To End-June 2016 for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

   I.         Deliverables And Costs for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  J.         Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques To Appraise Economic Merit Of YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  K.        Equity Holder Definitions & Section Titles  for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

   L.        Information Memorandum - King of the Mountain Challenge Series  for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  M.        Reference Documents, Health Agencies, Health Programmes and Websites  for YELP Holistic First Business Plan

  N.        YELP Achieves All The Taskforce's "Terms Of Reference"

  O.        Confidential Letter to Producer of Choir of Hard Knocks, C/- Australian Broadcasting Corporation

  P.        Having 'confidence in the structure'  -  not about  'spending squillions'

  Q         Business Plan Developer's Second (detailed explanation of YELP) Letter to Head of Taskforce Member which was originally dated 18 Dec 2008 further updated to 13 May 2009