Defined Terms  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques

Human Brownfield Infrastructure means the population of Australia is social and intellectual capital.  ABS 'Population Clock' estimates the current population to be 22m

This YELP Holistic First Business Plan contends that the associated Adverse Costs to the Australian economy of the Fifteen Problems which beset Australia's 22m Human Brownfield Infrastructure exceeds $155 billion, as quantified at Negligent Lifestyle Annual Costs

Cashflow and Capex are fundamental coordinates when a bank lends to or an equity consortium invests in a Greenfield or Brownfield project.  YELP is akin to a Brownfield infrastructure project because the people are 'already there' (ie. the 'Infrastructure' is already built) and of the 22m population many presently require Capex to maximise their productivity, QOL and Compress Morbidity because some presently have low, Nil or negative net productivity. 

The cost of the Pilot, incl the Primary Research Programme, is Capex.  As explained in Return On YELP Capex Software and Section 19 the Primary Research Programme is to test whether Capex from Propagating YELP would be money well spent on the Human Brownfield Infrastructure, meaning whether Propagating YELP will improve Australia's Cashflow by inter alia -

*           reducing fiscal costs of the Fifteen Problems; and

*           Increasing Productivity, incl Increased Tax Contributions from Extending Labour Force Participation.

Explained in final two paragraphs of Section 16.(a).