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Forecast Return On YELP Capex means for every dollar expended by the YELP  SPV to reduce the Adverse Costs will be at least tenfold over and above the YELP  SPV's  Capex within 5 years, as calculated by applying the Return On YELP Capex Formula using Return On YELP Capex Software

The Return On YELP Capex Formula evidences that based on the YELP Budget of $19,400,365 for 4.9 years to end June 2016, the (net) Forecast Return On YELP Capex will reduce Adverse Costs by in excess of $212 million dollars within 5 years.

The Taskforce's Discussion Paper cites a recent US study Prevention for a Healthier America that estimated for every US$1 invested in "proven community-based disease prevention programs" (ie. increasing physical activity, maintaining a Healthy Diet and reducing smoking levels), the return on investment over and above the $1 per head cost of the program would be US$5.60 within five years.  

That recent US study did not also measure the material health cost savings due to reducing excessive consumption of alcohol (which include intangible costs such as alcohol induced violence, assaults and trauma accidents, in particular car accidents), nor other recreational drugs except tobacco, from a proven community-based disease prevention program. 

A Preventive Health programme to Improve Personal Health & Fitness for adults, who are presently leading a Sedentary Lifestyle, which induces the above improvements in physical activity, nutrition and reduced smoking from "proven community-based disease prevention programs", would also materially reduce excessive consumption of alcohol and other recreational drugs, as participants within their local community Local Community Common Bond Support Group strived to improve their fitness to be competitive with other participants. 

The OECD report "Obesity and the Economics of Prevention  -  Fit not Fat" dated Sept '10 recommends motivating people to the higher QOL from getting fitter is better than the negative message of focusing on not putting on weight.  Below is a pertinent extract:

"Research has shown that people who lead a physically active life, do not smoke, drink alcohol in moderate quantities, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables have a risk of death that is less than one fourth of the risk of those who have invariably unhealthy habits."

Hence, the YELP First Business Plan asserts that based on empirical data re the cost of Recreational Drug Abuse, in particular excessive consumption of alcohol (refer Section 3) that if the reduction in excessive consumption of alcohol had also been quantified in the afore-mentioned recent US study, the forecast benefit of US$5.60 within 5 years would be US$7 circa within five years for a one-off US$1 outlay

Although no research has ever been conducted to collectively measure the economic cost of all of the Fifteen Problems (set out in Section 3) which are in the main due to Negligent Lifestyle and Economic Materialism, as explained in Causes, the YELP Holistic 'Hub' First Business Plan contends that the Forecast Return On YELP Capex for every dollar expended by the YELP  SPV, determined by testing the Hypothesis, will be at least tenfold over and above the YELP  SPV's  Capex within 5 years (due to Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives) and likely to increase due to the deleterious effect of Climate Change.

Unlike so many other Preventive Health programmes, the YELP  Holistic  Hub  First Business Plan would deploy a No Media Advertising Policy beyond that set out in the First Business Plan.   YELP is not about political parties 'beating their chests'.

Also see Section 16(a) Return On YELP Capex Software,  Base Case Financial Model,  Forecast Return On YELP Capex, Section 18 and Why YELP is a Business Plan and not solely a Research Programme and definitions of Array Of Reports For The YELP Pilot & Primary Research Programme.