First National Preventive Health Research Programme YELP Holistic First Business Plan YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms SWOT Analysis Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans Second National Preventive Health Research Programme First BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme Defined Terms BTSCP Second BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme Third BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme Defined Terms BTB&MDCP Fifteen Problems means the below problems - * set out in Section 2; and * considered in more detail in Section 3, which in the main is caused by the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks which bring on Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases and Other Personal, Social, Productivity and Environmental Costs which largely result from Negligent Lifestyle Behaviour and Economic Materialism (explained in Causes and Adverse Effect And Cause Logic) with associated Adverse Costs to the Australian economy exceeding $155 billion annually - quantified in Negligent Lifestyle Annual Costs: 1. Climate Change/Global Warming * could reduce global annual economic growth by 20% or more. The CSIRO and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology reported in March 2010 that Australia's average temperature has continued to rise each decade since the mid 20th century which has resulted in increased droughts which reduce crops, sea levels rises encroaching valuable residential properties, increased severity/frequency of many natural disasters (bushfires, cyclones, hailstorms and floods), increased road maintenance costs, reduced Australian flora and fauna. All three tiers of government are expending many millions of dollars annually on a broad range of remedial treatments. Conservatively, the afore-mentioned effects of Climate Change, and efforts to mitigate it, are costing the Australian economy over $20 billion annually.2. Burgeoning Baby Boomer medical prescriptions, aged care and aged pensions will fall upon a reducing tax payer pool drawn from Gen X and Gen Y. 3. Obesity and Overweight Australians and related Type 2 Diabetes which according to a report in the Medical Journal of Australia in March 2010 by Professor Stephen Colagiuri, Professor of Metabolic Health at the Uni of Sydney, cost Australia $56 billion in 2005 and is increasing. 4. Social Cost of Recreational Drug Use in Australia which grew to $56.1 billion in 2004-05. 5. Generation Gap of teenage kids sharing priorities and relating to their parents is wider than ever before, thereby reducing the economies flowing from Family Unit Cohesion. 6. Depression is a common illness affecting one in four women and one in six men in Australia at some stage in their lives often when the pressures they experience exceed their Coping Skills. Many adults who rely entirely on anti-depressants to treat what is a normal illness are unable to recover from a bout of mild Depression using their own faculties and rarely learn how to strengthen their resolve from experiencing this illness and having recovered from it. Opening our Eyes to Cost of Depression in the Workplace - "Depression costs the Australian economy $3.3 billion in lost productivity each year". 7. Disabled ** account for one in 5 Australians which represents a material fiscal cost, foregone potential productivity and low QOL for many of those Disabled. Some Disabled fall within the 3.2 million Australians which experience Chronic Pain** which cost Australia $34.3 billion in 2007 - $10,847 per Australian with Chronic Pain.8. Coronary Artery Disease is still the single largest cause of premature death in Australia, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare costing $5.4 billion in 2000/01. 9. Hypertension is the most frequently managed problem in general practice in Australia, accounting for 8.6% of encounters and 7.9% of prescriptions in general practice costing $476.2m pa. 10. Colon and breast cancer accounted for 3,012 and 2,720 deaths respectively of the 37,907 deaths in Australia from cancer in 2003.
afflicts >2.2 million Australians which is >10% of the 22m population.
(i) report poorer general health and QOL than people without Asthma; and (ii) suffer from anxiety and Depression more than people without Asthma. A greater proportion of people with Asthma had days away from work or study in the last two weeks (11.4%) than people without asthma (7.9%) preceding a survey. Health expenditure on Asthma was $606 million in 2004–05. 12. Dementia financial cost across Australia in 2002 was $6.6 billion – over $40,000 pa. per person with Dementia - by 2051 Dementia’s financial impact will total 3.3% of GDP (gross domestic product). 13. Lower Back Pain is the most prevalent and costly musculoskeletal condition in Australia, estimated to cost up to $1 billion pa with indirect costs exceeding $8 billion pa. and most common reason for Absenteeism, and also impacting Presenteeism amongst older Australians. 14. Osteoporosis - Total annual cost in Australia, which includes carers and lost income, is estimated to be $7 billion (or $20 million every day). 15. Arthritis - Total cost to Australian economy estimated by Access Economics was $23.9b in 2007. Intervention of a MREA for some suffers of Arthritis, particularly those Obese or Overweight, may well decrease pain, keep joints more mobile, increase muscle strength, strengthen bones and ligaments, prevent joint deformities, reduce weight, increase Personal Health & Fitness, reduce Depression and enhance QOL.
* 1. above, Climate Change/Global Warming is overly due to Economic Materialism which generally involves burning GHGs. ** 7. above, YELP can reduce support costs and increase productive benefit for almost 20% of Disabled Interested Adults provided there are sufficient Abled Participant Assistants.
See Fifteen Benefits Of Materially Altered Lifestyle