Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Cross Section Of Mentors or Eleven Mentor Roles or Eleven Mentors means Wise Old Owls who agree to undertake Gatekeeper roles will deliver the Six Mentor Guidance Topics For Ten Regional Township Teams which requires -

(a)         6  x   Regional Township Teams' Co-ordinators per annum for each of three years which also perform the Year 9 Applicant Interviewers' duties by the start of the First RTV Year drawn from Gatekeepers;

(b)         6  x   Team Sporting Coaches for First RTV Year drawn from Gatekeepers;

(c)        10  x  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees NOT drawn from Gatekeepers;

(d)        12  x  Sporting Role Models NOT drawn from Gatekeepers;

(e)          4  x  Public Speaking Instructors for Second RTV Year hopefully all drawn from Gatekeepers;

(f)           x  I.T. Geek Nerds for Third RTV Year drawn from Gatekeepers;

(g)         4  x  Life Skills Guardians drawn from Gatekeepers for Second RTV Year to provide Mentoring Support Messages;

(h)          6  x  Indigenous Local Connectors each year for three years (18 Indigenous Local Connectors) NOT drawn from Gatekeepers - sourced from each of the Six Regional Townships;

(i)           3  x  Panel Of Three Judges each year drawn from Gatekeepers to determine the Winning Township Team at each of Four Challenge Judging Venues and also provide Mentoring Support Messages;

(j)           2  x  Teenager Life Skills Website Directors drawn from Gatekeepers; and

(k)        10 x  Employee Work Experience Providers (for 18 days/16 nights each) in the Third RTV Year drawn from Gatekeepers that are Employee Elder Colleagues.

The McClure report noted:

        "Mentoring is singled out as an effective way to improve pathways to employment for disadvantaged jobseekers."

The above listed Eleven Mentor Roles are required to realise the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme, in particular to instil Problem Solving Behaviours, not merely in the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students but more importantly to similarly infuse self-belief within the Teenager Viewing Audience, that by acquiring Teenager Life Skills they also can Maximise Life Opportunities.

On-Site Workshops notes that -

which aggregate to 360 Mentor Days 'in situ' training during the First RTV Year, Second RTV Year and Third RTV Year to realise the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme.

Sporting Role Models notes that one Sporting Role Model will accompany the above other eight of the Eleven Mentoring Roles which creates to an additional 180 Mentor Days over three years which aggregate to 540 Mentor Days.

Indigenous Local Connectors notes that the one Indigenous Local Connector per year at each of Six Regional Townships will (from the start of the next school year at end-Jan to end of the Late September/Early October School Holidays - 35 weeks) -  

(iv)       provide up to -

             *        6 hours 'in situ' per week training to their Regional Township Team for the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge;

              *         3 hours 'in situ' per week training to their Regional Township Team for the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge; and

             *          3 hours 'in situ' per week training to their Regional Township Team for the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge,

             as set out in Sanctioned Indigenous Team Connector Sessions and Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions;

(v)        accompany their 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in their Regional Township Team at On-Site Workshop(s);

(vii)      accompany the final 12 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in their Regional Township Team to the pertinent Challenge Judging Venue to compete in the Motivational Teams Challenge the Indigenous Local Connector is responsible for.

Mentor Days notes that spreadsheet Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Programme Budget Costs contains worksheet '1stYearTravelAccommMealsLabour' aggregates 2,855 Mentor Days over three years provided by the Eleven Mentoring Roles to 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students and 20 Work Experience Recipients

The Indigenous Local Connectors at each of Six Regional Townships are scheduled to provide 1,143 Mentor Days (370 attending Three Motivational Teams Challenges + 773 conducting weekly Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions)

2,785 Mentor Days over three years to 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students equates to 19.9 Mentor Days 'face to face' mentoring per Accepted Year Aboriginal 9 Student.

As with all of the Various Parties, the Cross Section Of Mentors would claim Out-Of-Pocket Various Parties Costs as provided for in the Programme Budget Costs.