Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

I.T. Geek Nerds means two of 4  x  I.T. Geeks Nerds from amongst the 30 Wise Old Owls (who also nominate to be a Gatekeeper) that are savvy with I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps will visit each of the Six Regional Townships by end-April in the Third RTV Year to conduct an On-Site Workshop over three Mentor Days teaching I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps to each of the Ten Regional Township Teams in order to compete in the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge.

Working in 'pairs', each of the 4  x  I.T. Geek Nerds will visit 5 of the Six Regional Townships.

I.T. Geek Nerds will liaise/support the Indigenous Local Connector in each of the Six Regional Townships.

I.T. Geek Nerds is one of the Eleven Mentoring Roles and one of the Three Team Challenges Mentors.

Below is an extract from On-Site Workshops for the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge:

*           By end-April in the Third RTV Year two I.T. Geek Nerds and one Sporting Role Model  x Six Regional Townships  = 10 visits x 3 visitors @ 3 days = 90 Mentor Days (60 days of Public Speaking Instructors + 30 days of Sporting Role Models)