Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students or 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students means 13 year old or 14 year old Aboriginal School Student who attend schools within each of the Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000 who Submitted An On-Line Application Form on the Teenager Life Skills Website as Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants for the First RTV Year and are accepted into the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement The Pilot of ATLSEIP is restricted to Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000 due to COVID and economies of scale by limiting to a single Australian territory.

The Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement will accept 14  x  Year 9 Aboriginal School Student into each of Ten Regional Township Teams:

  1. Each of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students within the Ten Regional Township Teams will have to not be in the top 10% in a Numeracy, Literacy And English Writings Test on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website that they agreed to 'sit' in order to be eligible to be invited to participate in the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Early Intervention Programme.

  2. At least 40% of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students (56 Accepted Year 9 Students) would be full-blood Aboriginal Heritage.  At least a further 40% of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students will enjoy at least one quarter Aboriginal Heritage Ipso facto, at least 40% (at least 56 Accepted Year 9 Students) will possess manifest Aboriginal Heritage.  Casual empiricism indicates that 85% circa would be Indigenous Australians.

  3. 50% circa of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students will be school boys and 50% circa will be school girls. 

  4. The distribution between school boys and school girls in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams at any of the Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000 could vary up to 43% to 57%, meaning one of the Ten Regional Township Teams could have say 8 boys and 6 girls.  Another of the Ten Regional Township Teams could have say 6 boys and 8 girls.  At least the other six Ten Regional Township Teams would have either 7 boys and 5 girls or 5 boys and 7 girls or 6 boys and 6 girls.

12 of the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams will attend each of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.  Selection of the final 12 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students to attend a particular venue from the Four Challenge Judging Venues will be based on the commitment and dedication of each Accepted Year Aboriginal 9 Student to attend weekly Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions, and their natural aptitude for each of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges Logically, some students will be more suited to sports, with others better suited to public speaking, and others with a penchant for information technology.  Hence, each Accepted Year 9 Student would know that they are not guaranteed to attend each of the Three Motivational Teams Challenge which should increase commitment and dedication to attend weekly Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions.

It is intended that each of the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students into each of the Ten Regional Township Teams will attend at least two of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.

Ten Regional Township Teams notes that the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement may remove any of the140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students who fail to apply the promised commitment.

Any Year 9 Student Applicant that is not selected as one of 14 x  Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students may participate in the On-Site Workshops and Sanctioned Indigenous Team Connector Sessions, conducted by the Indigenous Local Connector for their particular Regional Township, should he/she/they express an interest that they wish to participate. 

The Six Regional Township Teams Co-ordinators may approve the issue of Student Sports Clothing, Equipment, Suit and PC to such Year 9 Student Applicant(s), as required pursuant to Notes to the 'Life Skills'  Programme  Budget' However, he/she/they would not entitled to attend any of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges unless more than two of the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students for their Ten Regional Township withdrew from the Programme or was removed from the Programme (as provided for in Ten Regional Township Teams).

The Six Regional Township Teams Co-ordinators may approve up to 14 Accepted Year 9 Students attending any/all of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.  However, this latitude to increase the number of student attendees in one or more of the Ten Regional Township Teams beyond 12 would not be publicised to the Indigenous Local Connectors until a Indigenous Local Connector(s) lobbies for an increase beyond 12 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students.   

Re 1. further above, Work Experience Recipient and Employee Work Experience Providers each note that any of the twenty or so Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants that a Year 9 Applicant Interviewer met with for at least 25 mins (by the start of the First RTV Year) during the particular Year 9 Applicant Interview across all of the Six Regional Townships and -

c)        was not chosen to be one of 140 x  Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students because the Year 9 Student Applicant scored in the top 10% in their Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests and was deemed by the 6 x  Year 9 Applicant Interviewers to be receiving reasonable mentoring and guidance from their family, with at least one parent holding a tertiary qualification or trade licence, and in regular employment; and

d)        passed their School Certificate and has continued on to Year 11 intent upon gaining their Higher School Certificate and has displayed some interest in the particular industry that the Work Experience Provider is employed with one of the Ten Corporate Sponsors,

would be invited to receive 5 working days Work Experience (during school holidays) in the Work Experience Provider's office, or at a 'site location' such as a mining site or construction site, and be billeted at the Work Experience Provider's home for up to 8 nights from a Saturday to and including the following Saturday during the Third RTV Year when the Work Experience Recipient is a Year 11 student.

The brief account of television current affairs reporter, Stab Grant's early life (in Enable New Role Models In Isolated Country Towns By Building Upon Valuable Survival Skills - Enhance Pride In These Towns) highlights that a disproportionate number of Indigenous Australians lead transient lifestyles travelling, or wandering, from remote inland township to another remote inland townships.  Hence, it is probable that as many as one third of the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams will have -

(a)        moved from that Regional Township over the Max 4¾ Years   Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period; and

(b)        been replaced by other -

             *         Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants that a Year 9 Applicant Interviewer met with for at least 25 mins (by the start of the First RTV Year) during a Year 9 Applicant Interview; or

             *         Aboriginal School Student that are recommended by a Indigenous Local Connector following liaison with his/her Township Team Captain and Township Team Vice-Captain.

140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students is one of the Various Parties.

See also:   Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students   Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement   Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests   Online Application Form   Ten Regional Township Teams   Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000   Submit An On-Line Application Form   Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants