Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Year 9 Applicant Interviewer means by the start of the First RTV Year the Six Regional Township Teams Co-ordinators, in the role of Year 9 Applicant Interviewers, will collectively visit each of the Six Regional Townships for 3 days and conduct individual 30 minutes interviews with at least 25  Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants who Submitted An On-Line Application Form after reading the Year 9 Poster Invitation of which fourteen Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants will be Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students at each of the Six Regional Townships.  

Working in 'pairs', two of the six  x  Year 9 Applicant Interviewers will visit each of the Six Regional Townships Each 'pair' will visit either three or four of the Six Regional Townships.

This aggregates to 12˝ hours per Regional Township  x  Six Regional Townships = 125 hours of 30 min interviews where usually two Year 9 Applicant Interviewers will attend each Year 9 Applicant Interview.

Two  x  Year 9 Applicant Interviewers will visit each of the Six Regional Townships in search of Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants who -

(i)         display ambivert characteristics, in particular that they are good listeners;

(ii)        impress with their resolve and commitment to seize the opportunity;

(iii)       are keen to partake in 150 hours of Team Community Service over three years for the Character Building Benefits From Volunteering;

(iv)       appear receptive to 'being coached';

(v)        may have experienced trauma in their family or neighbours; and

(vi)       are enthusiastic to provide the information for a Student Profile webpage in the Regional Township Team Web Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website with the assistance of a Indigenous Local Connector and the Teenager Life Skills Website Director.


Another duty of the Two  x  Year 9 Applicant Interviewers that visit each of Six Regional Townships will be to interview prospective Indigenous Local Connectors for the first of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges and undertake a 'township reconnoitre' based on earlier extensive 'due diligence'.

See also:  Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants   Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students   Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement    Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests   Online Application Form   Ten Regional Township Teams    Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000   Submitted An On-Line Application Form