Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Three Mixed Teams' Sports means the three team sports which 120 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students who comprise the Ten Regional Township Teams will compete in the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge -

(i)         be coached by two of 12 Team Sporting Coaches during a separate On-Site Workshop over three Mentor Days for each of the Three Mixed Teams' Sports, being a total of nine Mentor Days, as well as being coached on an on-going basis by their Indigenous Local Connector as set out in Sanctioned Indigenous Team Connector Sessions; and

(ii)        compete in either the Western City Tri-Sports Challenge or the Eastern City Tri-Sports Challenge over 7 days during the September/October 2022 School Holidays (between Term 3 and Term 4) in the First RTV Year.

  1. Soccer

  2. Tennis

  3. Basketball

1.         Soccer has eleven players on the field.  Each of the Ten Regional Township Teams would be supported by Three Marque Players where no more than two of the Three Marque Players could be on the field at any time.  Each of the five teams would play the other four mixed teams once over four days over two  x  20 minutes halves.  Baring injury, all of the 12 students, both boys and girls, in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams would play at least half the game time.

2.         Mixed Doubles Tennis logically has 4 players on the court.  All of the 12 students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams would play at least half the game time.

3.         Basketball has only 5 players on the court at any time.   Each of the five teams would play the other four mixed teams once over four days over two  x  20 minutes halves.  Baring injury, all of the 12 students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams would play at least half the game time.


The Panel Of Three Judges could compare performance of each of the 5 of the Ten Regional Township Teams at each of the Western City Tri-Sports Challenge or the Eastern City Tri-Sports Challenge on a 'for and against tally', based on goals scored or tennis matches won.



Three Motivational Teams Challenges notes that -

A.        Team Bonding Impacts Of Three Motivational Teams Challenges notes that -

 (a)       all 'Awards' by the Panel Of Three Judges during the Three Motivational Teams Challenges will be for 'Team Performance', with no explicit 'Awards' for individual performance, although patently viewers, and the Cross Section Of Mentors and Various Parties will notice individual performances.

 (b)        the 'Winning Township Team' will be announced by the Panel Of Three Judges for each of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.  However, there will be no 'Runner up' or 'Third Place' awards.  

B.        Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme is not about ranking the performance of -

 *          individual students from amongst the 120 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students; or

 *          the Ten Regional Township Teams,

 in the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.  It is about 'my team' striving to succeed.