Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Public Speaking Instructors means two of 4  x  Public Speaking Instructors (public speakers, orators, speechmakers [specialists in using Plain English, grammarians] appointed for the Second RTV Year only from amongst the 30 Wise Old Owls) who also nominate to be a Gatekeeper, that have attended Toastmasters Australia and/or Rostrum Australia speaking classes and/or are adept public speakers, will visit each of the Six Regional Townships to expend 3 Mentor Days by end-April in the Second RTV Year to conduct an On-Site Workshop to teach each of the Ten Regional Township Teams  Public Speaking And Speech Preparation Skills in order to compete in the Year 10  Mixed Teams Public Speaking Challenge.

Working in 'pairs', each of the 4  x  Public Speaking Instructors will visit 5 of the Six Regional Townships each.

Public Speaking Instructors -

a)      will liaise with/support the Indigenous Local Connector for the Second RTV Year in each of the Six Regional Townships.

b)      is one of the Eleven Mentoring Roles and one of the Three Team Challenges Mentors.

Below is an extract from On-Site Workshops for the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge:

*           By end-April in the Second RTV Year two Public Speaking Instructors and one Sporting Role Model  x Six Regional Townships  = 10 visits x 3 visitors @ 3 days = 90 Mentor Days (60 days of Public Speaking Instructors + 30 days of Sporting Role Models)

The Plain English Foundation is Australia's authority on "Getting to the point with clear communication".

"Intelligence Squared"  is a UK based organisation that stages televised debates around the world which began in London, but now operates globally in the US, Australia, Hong Kong, Greece, Ukraine, Nigeria and Israel.  The televised debates are held in the traditional Oxford style, with as many as 2,500 people attending some events.  The rousing debates invariably on display evidence the enormous advantage of possessing razor sharp Public Speaking And Speech Preparation Skills.