Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Life Skills Guardians means two of the 4  x  Life Skills Guardians from amongst the 30 Wise Old Owls (who also nominate to be a Gatekeeper) that are familiar with Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers will visit 'in pairs' each of the Six Regional Townships in the latter half of the Second RTV Year to conduct an On-Site Workshop over 3 Mentor Days to deliver Mentoring Support Messages to each of the Ten Regional Township Teams regarding Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers, namely -

i)            Omnipresent Advertising Traps;

ii)           Salt and Fat Dependence In Fast Foods -

               (a)        defies more than 100 million Homo sapiens traditional diets over 125,000 years; and

               (b)        causes Type 2 Diabetes and its associated painful consequences

iii)           Quicksand Of Recreational Drug Dependence; and

iv)           Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates Amongst Drivers Under 25,

Working 'in pairs', each of the 4  x  Life Skills Guardians will visit 5 of the Six Regional Townships.

Prior to delivering the above Mentoring Support Messages, four of the 30 Wise Old Owls (who also nominate to be a Gatekeeper) will consult with  -

(a)        Financial Counsellors familiar with the havoc caused by Omnipresent Advertising Traps;

(b)        Recreational Drug Counsellors to alert of the Quicksand Of Recreational Drug Dependence; and

(b)        road traffic authorities who monitor motor vehicle fatalities to alert of Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates Amongst Drivers Under 25 and the impact of speed and alcohol.  

Life Skills Guardians is one of the 11 Cross Section Of Mentors that, with the support of one Sporting Role Model and the Indigenous Local Connector at each of Six Regional Townships, will collectively alert Ten Regional Township Teams of the Six Mentor Guidance Topics For Ten Regional Township Teams.

Below is an extract from On-Site Workshops for Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers:

*           In the latter half of the Second RTV Year two Life Skills Guardians and one Sporting Role Model  x Six Regional Townships  = 10 visits x 3 visitors @ 3 days = 90 Mentor Days (60 days of Life Skills Guardians + 30 days of Sporting Role Models)