Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Winning Township Team means the Panel Of Three Judges will determine the Winning Township Team in each of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges.

In the case of the initial two of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges there will be two Winning Township Teams as there will be Two Challenge Venues for each of the:

A Winning Township Team may not be the Regional Township Team that -

(i)         wins the most sporting matches in the Three Mixed Team Sports in the Year 9  Mixed Teams' Tri-Sports Challenge; or

(ii)        impresses the most in the Two Public Speaking Categories in the Year 10  Mixed Teams' Public Speaking Challenge; or

(iii)       demonstrates the deepest knowledge of I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps in the Year 11  Mixed Teams' I.T. Geek Challenge.


Factors which the Panel Of Three Judges will also take into account when determining the five Winning Township Teams at the Four Challenge Judging Venues will not be limited to -

(a)        the performance in the Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests when as a Year 9 Student Applicant each of the 14 students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams  Submitted An On-Line Application Form;

(b)        the commitment to the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme

(c)        adversity that particular team members have had to overcome to remain committed to their Regional Township Team as reported by their Indigenous Local Connector in monthly reports to the Six Regional Township Teams Co-ordinators; and

(d)        each Regional Township Team's respect for and behaviour with representatives of the other Various Parties, which includes students from the other nine of the Six Regional Townships at the particular Challenge Judging Venue.

The Panel Of Three Judges would explain the criteria considered when announcing each Winning Township Team.

The Three Motivational Teams Challenges are not 'win at all cost'.   These challenges are about how you treat other people and the obstacles that you overcame whilst striving to learn 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'.