Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Employee Work Experience Providers means at least ten Employee Elder Colleagues from amongst the Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues who each -

a)         billet at their home for up to 8 nights from a Saturday to and including the following Saturday during school holidays in the Third RTV Year (when the Year 9 Student Applicant is a Year 11 school student); and

b)         provide 5 working days Work Experience (during school holidays) 'At the Leading Edge' of that Corporate Sponsor's primary production activity(s),

to at least one, but up to three, of the Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants that the Year 9 Applicant Interviewer met with for at least 25 mins (by the start of the First RTV Year) during the particular Year 9 Applicant Interview

However, the particular Year 9 Student Applicant -

c)         was not chosen to be one of 140 x  Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students because the Year 9 Student Applicant -

            *           scored in the top 10% in their Numeracy, Literacy And English Writing Tests; and

            *           was deemed by the 6 x  Year 9 Applicant Interviewers to be receiving reasonable mentoring and guidance from their family, with at least one parent holding a tertiary qualification or trade licence, and in regular employment; and

d)         subsequently passed their School Certificate and continued on to Year 11 intent upon gaining their Higher School Certificate and has displayed some interest in the particular industry that the Work Experience Provider is employed with one of the Ten Corporate Sponsors,

and was selected as a Work Experience Recipient.

A Retired Colleague(s) from the same Corporate Sponsor may provide support to an Employee Elder Colleague by taking responsibility for a Work Experience Recipient during some of the 9 days (from mid-Saturday to early Sunday) that a Work Experience Recipient is on Work Experience 'At the Leading Edge' which may include billeting the Work Experience Recipient at a Retired Colleague's home, in lieu of the Employee Elder Colleague's home, for some or all of the 9 days Work Experience.

Flight costs from/to the Six Regional Townships for up to 20 x  Work Experience Recipients during the Third RTV Year is a 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme Budget Cost.