What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much?   SWOT Analysis   'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Structure Diagram   Business Case Questions   Executive Summary   Defined Terms and Documents   'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Social Inclusion Early Intervention Program 

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23 November 2018 


Mr. Steve Westh

Artemis Media
Unit 6,  78 Marine Terrace

Fremantle  WA  6160


Dear Mr. Westh



Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme -

*        accords with the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership as "Levels of philanthropy have tapered off in recent years, with Australia now lagging behind other countries"; and

*        would be Administered by Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues and Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors for the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors 

The initial two episodes of Don't Stop the Music has enthused me to write to you.  Watching how a passion to play music with their classmates in the disadvantaged suburb of Kelmscott (SSE of Perth) has enhanced the confidence in Jackson, Anastasia, Levi et al is inspiring.  Equally stirring is how Taj is better handling his ellipse seizures.  Achieving a sense of purpose, achievement and belonging.

The Writer offers to sell (to Artemis Media, the ABC, SBS or a Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement) for a Peppercorn Fee of $10 all the I.P. associated with the 7 months (ave. 35 hours a month) R&D the Writer expended to structure 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme to provide Thirteen Deliverables which would be Administered by Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues and fully Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors for the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors and enable a Public Relations Bonanza For Ten Corporate Sponsors.

Five Influencing Factors prompted the Writer to structure a Social Inclusion Programme which involves Ten Corporate Sponsors establishing a Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement to Fund and Administer a 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Programme which -

*           contains -
 *        +350 Defined Terms and Documents,
 *        Teenager Life Skills' Programme Budget Costs
(20 worksheets of costs and deliverables in 'Life_Skills_Programme_Budget.xlsx'),

 *        What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much?
 *        Business Case Questions;
 *        Executive Summary 

 *        SWOT Analysis;
 *        Structure Diagram;

*           exploits the Motivational Incentive Of RTV;

*           would be Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors that each make a $50,000 pa Pro-rata Annual Contribution To Budget Costs (for 3 years) and each provide Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues who possess Three WOO Qualities to work for as little as two hours per week for as short as a one year appointment during the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Coverage Period to achieve the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors; and

*           would deliver 2,685 Mentor Days of 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' to 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students who live in Six Regional Townships from the Selected 10 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions to attain the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme, which includes -

            +           34  x  One Hour RTV Episodes of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills" as explained in Seeing what it is like to be an "Unlucky Australian"; and

            +           Closing The Gap In Indigenous Disadvantage and Counter Violent Extremism And Radicalism

Motivational Incentive of RTV highlights the enormous driving force upon all competitors appearing on national RTV programmes for 'mundane challenges' (eg. cooking contests or renovating the third bedroom).  Similar incentive from national exposure on Four Proposed RTV Programmes would -

*           motivate Ten Regional Township Teams from the Selected 10 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions to train diligently to compete in Three Separate Annual Motivational Teams Challenges over three years; and 

*           marshal Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues who possess Three WOO Qualities to use their Project Development Expertise and bring Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives to

            +         assist Socially Disadvantaged Australians; and

            +         evidence Corporate Social Responsibility thereby enhance Brand Name of the Ten Corporate Sponsors.

The Writer's final position at Commonwealth Bank, prior to retirement after a 37 years' career, was in Social & Corporate Infrastructure after previously acting as the Agent bank for 17 years to syndicates of first ranking banks that funded a welter of particularly large social, corporate and transport infrastructure projects.

The Executive Summary of CLOSING THE GAP - PRIME MINISTER’S REPORT 2018 lists five 'Closing the gap' targets that are not on track to be achieved.  There are 650,000 circa indigenous Australians which represent approx. 3% of the Australian population of 24.9 million people circa.

Below is an on-line 'Response Comment' to the newspaper article "The cost of programs that helped meet the government’s Closing the Gap targets to improve indigenous Australians’ lives over the eight years to 2016 exceeded $130.2 billion, according to analysis of government spending data by The Australian.":


        ".... Only an idiot keeps doing the same thing and expects a different result...." albeit referring to the previous practice of funding exceedingly small isolated Indigenous populations at materially higher delivery costs.

$130 billion divided by 650,000 Indigenous Australians equates to $200,000 expended per Indigenous Australian to 'Close the gap' over the last eight years.

Would Artemis Media -

(i)         review my Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme; and

(ii)        rate it between 0 and 10 under each of Ten Business Case Parameters for its cost-effective utility to address the five 'Closing the gap' targets that are not on track to be achieved.

Inter alia ATLSEIP:

(A)       Would be Administered and fully Funded by the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement for the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors to provide Thirteen Deliverables which include Overriding Purpose Of 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme.

(B)       Entails Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues From Each Of Ten Corporate Sponsors Providing Different Project Development Expertise.

(C)      Draws on the potent Motivational Incentive Of RTV and taps into the burgeoning number of Baby-Boomers that possess Three WOO Qualities under the Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model.

(D)      Enables New Role Models In Isolated Country Towns By Building Upon Valuable Survival Skills - Enhance Pride In These Towns.

(E)      Mitigates Risks.

I welcome a television production company, the ABC, SBS or a Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement purchasing from the 'Life Skills' Programme Developer (Writer) all the I.P. associated with the 7 months (ave. 35 hours a month) R&D to prepare 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme for a Peppercorn Fee of $10.

My +350 Defined Terms and Documents evidences the depth of Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme.  Hence, I will write to you in eight weeks if I have not received feedback from Artemis Media because thus far -

*          Corporate Philanthropy has not been materially trialed in a structured Social Inclusion programme that draws on the powerful Motivational Incentive Of RTV - the evidence of which is regularly on display on commercial, free-to-air TV; and

*         $130b circa of the fiscal purse expended over the last 8 years has not cost-effectively reduced the gap on Social Disadvantage amongst our indigenous peoples; and

*         after another eight weeks a further $2.5 billion will have been expended.

NB 1:   I have been criticised by some friends and foe for providing too much detail.  My penchant for documenting the What, Who, Where, When, Why, How & How much? etc. comes from my previous career at CBA.  If I was presenting a submission to my 'credit committee' that recommended CBA lend $100m to a proposed new infrastructure project (be it a tunnel under Sydney Harbour, gas pipelines across South Australia, a new toll road, hospital refurb etc), my 'credit committee' wanted evidence that CBA was going to get its loan funds back and with no major cost over-runs.  My 'credit committee' wanted evidence of 'due diligence'.  Pre PPPs govt. projects were littered with cost-overruns due to insufficient documentation and no robust Base Case Financial Model which had -

            (I)        an IRR which is higher than the hurdle rate (required yield); and

            (II)       a positive NPV.

NB 2:  The final two of Thirteen Deliverables for ATLSEIP offer an inimitable opportunity for the Federal Govt. to facilitate multiple cost-effective Social Infrastructure Lifestyle Programmes to assist the Socially Disadvantaged commencing with the simplistic Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model, and then graduate to Community Driven Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programmes, by deploying the Three Ps Of Programme Development.

            I could write a 'business plan' to Propagate the Pilot programme, Don't Stop the Music at Challis Community Primary School, along the same format at ATLSEIP which would be Funded by Ten Corporate Sponsors for the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors which would be a Public Relations Bonanza For Ten Corporate Sponsors.

NB 3:  Tony Abbott has more recently been mandated to improve indigenous attendance at remote schools ATLSEIP will achieve that In Spades.  Pursuant to the Three Ps Of Programme Development, an initial two of the ultimate Selected Six Townships In the Northern Territory With A Population >2000 (e.g. 'Team Darwin' and 'Team Alice Springs') could represent the Pilot phase in 2022 by competing in a Pilot of the First Motivational Team Challenge, with the full Selected Six Townships In the Northern Territory With A Population >2000 forming the Prototype phase in 2023.

NB 4:  In 2009, I submitted on DVD my Bohémian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme (after reviewing Twenty Renowned Orchestras, Choirs, Theatre Companies And Workshops Which Have Successfully Targeted Homeless and Marginalised) and my Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme to the National Preventative Health Taskforce.  But I suspect that my two Social Infrastructure Lifestyle Programmes were a tad to complex.  Instead the Taskforce opted to ban cigarette packet advertising.

Yours sincerely   

Philip Johnston
President Muggaccinos Bicycle User Group