Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 


Counter Violent Extremism And Radicalism means the Commonwealth government has introduced new laws to strip Australian citizenship (with dual citizenship) from Australians who opt to fight in the Middle East to discourage violent extremism.

Younger people who are more likely to be attracted to violent extremism are "those who do not believe that they belong".

Providing 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students who live in the Selected Six Townships In The Northern Territory With A Population >2000 a patent sense of identity, belonging and attachment within the local community enhances social harmony and is a powerful tool to Counter Violent Extremism And Radicalism.

Below are three of the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme which patently Counter Violent Extremism And Radicalism:

(ii)        Overriding Purpose Of 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme to instill self-belief within several hundred thousand Australian teenagers who are not excelling, or did not excel, at junior high school............................ that they also can Maximise Life Opportunities, which includes Contribute To Society, by developing a hunger for 'learning and knowledge'  because of the 'power to achieve'  that develops and permeates.

(vi)       Enables New Role Models In Isolated Country Towns By Building Upon Valuable Survival Skills -  Enhance Pride In These Towns

(ix)       Facilitates Social Citizenship And Achieves Benefits Of Social Inclusion to learn Problem Solving Behaviours is central to -

            a)        the full exercise of Social Citizenship; and

            b)        Sense Of Community which mitigates Violent Extremism And Radicalism by assisting vulnerable communities to want to Contribute To Society and acquire a "sense of identity and belonging within the community", which enhances social harmony.

Below is an extract from On-Site Workshops:

Extensive coverage of the afore-mentioned two hours presentation and Q&A by a respected Mullah, followed with a 'meet and greet' with the 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students at each of the Six Regional Townships, could be prominently featured in the 34  x  One Hour RTV Episodes of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills".