Defined Terms and Documents 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme Project Development Expertise means as evident in Ten Corporate Sponsors, the majority of Wise Old Owls will possess Three WOO Qualities having been involved in project or product development, either from a construction, production, sales, legal documentation, accounting, financial modelling or financing capacity and has evidenced a Greenfield and/or Brownfield project/s move from a 'Business Plan' or Information Memorandum to 'Financial Close', whereupon equity, subordinated debt, then senior debt is expended during the 'Construction Phase' to achieve 'Practical Completion' at which point the 'Operations Phase' commences to recoup and repay financing costs and grow equity. Risk mitigation would draw heavily on the three Wise Old Owls from the Insurance/Accounting Firm and Legal amongst the Ten Corporate Sponsors. Efforts to quantify/qualify through financial modeling the benefits of ATLSEIP would largely be sourced from the Investment Bank, a 'Pillar Bank' and an Accounting Firm. Requisite legal documentation required to administer the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement would fall to the Law Firm amongst the Ten Corporate Sponsors. See also Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives.