Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Three WOO Qualities means 30 Wise Old Owls / Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues who represent the Ten Corporate Sponsors each possess the following qualities:

(i)         aged 50 years or older:

             a)       the history of mankind, starting with the humble tribe/village community BC, to modern day, has evidenced elders being the decision makers for their community/tribe/village as older adults have weathered the storms of life and are less impressionable to persuasive marketing/advertising intended to sell the product that the advertiser is paid to promote sometimes to the detriment of the consumer; and

            (b)       generally the children of Wise Old Owls are self-sufficient teenagers, whereupon dad or mum has more time to assist Year 9 Aboriginal Student Applicants less fortunate or less informed, in particular from amongst the Socially Disadvantaged, which thereby fosters a LCCBSG;

(ii)        displays an overt Sense Of Community; and

(iii)       possess Project Development Expertise and bring Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives to the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement.

See Philanthropy Prove The Effectiveness And Viability Of The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement,