Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model means Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues from each of Ten Corporate Sponsors cost effectively Administer the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement to deliver Six Mentor Guidance Topics to 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students.

Philanthropy notes 'inter alia':

(i)         In April '09 the then PM, Kevin Rudd, announced that Golden Gurus was one of nine ideas adopted by the 2020 Summit with employers, government and society needing to support the decisions of older people continuing to contribute to society, in whichever way they choose.  Alas, it hasn't effectively marshaled the enormous talent in a collegiate, collaborative, structured capacity to maximise the diverse skills that many Baby Boomers possess.

(ii)        Australia is not renowned for its Philanthropic depth in assisting Disadvantaged Australians.



Bureaucracy notes that government agencies may subconsciously wear blinkers, and have tunnel vision in their pursuit to cost-effectively carry out their responsibilities, but may not be adept at 'joining up the dots'  to see the broader benefits of -

*           thinking outside the box; and

*           working with other agencies, the 'Private Sector', community groups and/or committed individuals.

Some of these talented Baby Boomers are keen to continue to use those skills to assist others less fortunate.  Some of them possess Project Development Expertise and provide Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives which many Bureaucrats do not.

The Sydney Olympics involved constructing first class venues for 31 different sports and attracting and coordinating many thousands of volunteers, and a much smaller cohort of administrators, to ensure that over 10,000 athletes from over 200 countries competed over 17 days/nights without a glitch.  Australians rose to the challenge because of the importance of the occasion.  The manner that tens of thousands of community-minded Australians volunteered, at materially lower deliver costs than paid employees, to ensure that the Sydney Olympics was a marvelous success, demonstrates how Australians will support a project that they believe -

i)         is of national importance; and

ii)        sufficient professional skills will be injected to dot all the I's and cross all the T's.  

Large numbers of community-minded successful business executives, with Project Development Expertise, either recently retired or approaching retirement could be induced to work in national Preventive Health programmes which assist Australians that had not been as fortunate as themselves, to improve their health and Wellbeing, provided these community-minded successful business executives know some of them would enjoy decision-making input to create the structure and operations of such national Preventive Health programmes to deliver Social Inclusion to many Socially Disadvantaged "Unlucky Australians".

Community Organising Model For Social And Economic Change received prominence when Barack Obama was elected President of the USA because he had worked as an organizer for a Gamaliel Foundation FBCO organization in Chicago. 

The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model is superior to and more efficient than the Community Organising Model For Social And Economic Change because several Wise Old Owls will possess extensive career experience in Project Development Expertise and be familiar with PPPs, SPVs and BOOT Projects and bring Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives, whereas Community Organizing does not. 

In short, several Wise Old Owls will have a track-record of implementing/completing major projects, whereas well-meaning amateurs do not.  It is acknowledged that a few PPPs which were constructed 'on time and within budget' had overstated patronage levels in their Base Case Financial Model.

Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors notes that the CEOs of Ten Corporate Sponsors would be keen to provide Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues to participate in the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement and commit $50,000 Pro-rata Annual Contribution To Budget Costs annually for each of three years as one of Ten Corporate Sponsors, which will enhance their Brand Name and display Corporate Social Responsibility, subject to the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement's 'Audited Annual Financial Accounts' being exceedingly transparent and detailed right down to the last nickel and dime.

The Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement will deliver Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme which provides the opportunity to demonstrate their company's capacity to fill eight of Eleven Mentoring Roles by 30 Wise Old Owls providing Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives and at least 15 Gatekeepers (from amongst 30 Wise Old Owls) to -

(a)        facilitate 2,855 Mentor Days over three years to assist 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students and 20 Work Experience Recipients to Maximise Life Opportunities, and

(b)        importantly enable the Teenager Viewing Audience to 'see first hand'  from overt Mentoring Support Messages delivered to 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students that they too can Maximise Life Opportunities,

            which will enhance Brand Name and display Corporate Social Responsibility, through the names of the Ten Corporate Sponsors appearing in the 'credits' at the conclusion of each of Four Proposed RTV Programmes.

Ten Corporate Sponsors notes that another of the Various Parties is the Indigenous Principal's Representative which is a Fiduciary which acts for the Ten Corporate Sponsors, in particular the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement.

Prove The Effectiveness And Viability Of The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model to establish A Template To Elevate The Motivational Incentive Of RTV is one of Thirteen Deliverables From ''Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme.