Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 


Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues means two Employee Elder Colleagues and one Retired Colleague, or one Employee Elder Colleague and two Retired Elder Colleagues provided by each of the Ten Corporate Sponsors, who possess Three WOO Qualities, and agree to provide their Administrative expertise, and for many also their Gatekeeper skills, in a Philanthropic capacity to the Teenager Life Skills' Programme for a minimum of 2 hours per week circa for up to 52 weeks per annum = 104 hours max pro bono for the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period with a Max 4¾ Years

At least one of the Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues, from each of each of the Ten Corporate Sponsors, from each of Ten Different Market Sectors, will be an Indigenous Australian.


With Ten Corporate Sponsors providing Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues each, there are a total of Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues who also carry the 'handle' of Wise Old Owls.

Each of the Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues may nominate up to two other colleagues, either an Employee Elder Colleague or a Retired Colleague, to -

(i)         cover for illness, holidays or pressing work commitments; and

(ii)        mitigate Key Man Risk.


Ideally, there will be at least 15 Retired Elder Colleagues amongst the Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues to perform requisite Gatekeepers duties, specifically 8 of the Eleven Mentoring Roles


As explained in Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement a prime motive in successfully establishing 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme is to create a structure whereby successful executives 'post-50' can morph from a full time working career into a 'Philanthropic Service Movement' (eg. Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement) whereby interested pending retirees continue to use their considerably and diverse professional skills to assist others less fortunate, where the sense of 'satisfaction' is the impetus.

Just as Warren Buffett induced, via The Giving Pledge, >50 other American billionaires to also commit at least 50% of their wealth to charities in their lifetimes or at death, Three Philanthropic Elder Colleagues from each of the Ten Corporate Sponsors who possess Three WOO Qualities would be attracted to commit 2 hours per week for up to 52 weeks per annum = 104 max hours pro bono for the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period of  Max 4¾ Years to a Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement, where each of the Three Philanthropic Colleague may nominate up to two other colleagues, either an Employee Elder Colleague or a Retired Colleague, to -

(i)           cover for illness, holidays or pressing work commitments;

(ii)          enable Retired Elder Colleagues to once again work together and cover for one another; and

(iii)         mitigate Key Man Risk.