Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Public Relations Bonanza For Ten Corporate Sponsors means one of the Three Benefits To Ten Corporate Sponsors notes that ATLSEIP provides a unique opportunity to exploit the potent Motivational Incentive Of RTV to enable the Ten Corporate Sponsors to demonstrate to a national RTV viewing audience (in over 40 hours viewing across Four Proposed RTV Programmes) their creativity, expertise and ingenuity, through 30 Wise Old Owls filling eight of Eleven Mentoring Roles to provide Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives which will enhance Brand Name and display Corporate Social Responsibility.

Seeing what it is like to be an "Unlucky Australian" notes:

"Many RTV programmes seek to maximise emotion, passion and sensationalism, even including a 'bad guy' in judging panel and/or contriving the results.  "Attaining Teenager Life Skills"  would not follow this norm to attract high ratings.  As noted in Achieve a Good News Story -  Feel Good Story  -  Win/Win Situation, an integral goal is to deliver a "feel good story" where all parties, including Council Mayors, Counsellors, and local Rotary and Lions members as Various Parties (identified in How in the Six Regional Townships) are pleased with the outcomes of the Thirteen Deliverables.

Hence, maximising positive emotion and passion to succeed will be in the mindset of the 30 Wise Old Owls.  There will not be any 'bad guy' and/or contriving results, notwithstanding that these boost TV ratings.

Having established that vital point, the Four Proposed RTV Programmes would objectively present the emotional issues and problems that some of the 140 x  Accepted Students experience if those issues/problems negatively impact the students on-going participation.  "Attaining Teenager Life Skills" would present such social difficulties and how Indigenous Local Connectors sought to deal with them to facilitate on-going Student participation.

Viewers of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills" may find themselves not getting so 'worked up' in the future when 'small things' in their lives go awry, after they witness 'first hand' the unique Social Problems that many "Unlucky Australians", who live in some remote townships in Australia, are confronted by.

"Attaining Teenager Life Skills" might be 'a huge TV ratings success', but may not achieve the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Academic Forecast and some of the other Thirteen Deliverables.

Bureaucracy notes that government agencies may subconsciously wear blinkers, and have tunnel vision in their pursuit to cost-effectively carry out their specific responsibilities, but may not be adept at 'joining up the dots'  to see the broader benefits of -

*           thinking outside the square; and

*           working with other agencies, the 'Private Sector', community groups or committed individuals.

Wise Old Owls, filling eight of Eleven Mentoring Roles, will 'think outside the square' to provide whatever assistance is necessary to enable the Indigenous Local Connector (conduit with his/her respective 14 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students in each of the Ten Regional Township Teams) to overcome the variety of social disruption and crime described in Nadir Of Human Endurance that some of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students will be confronted by during the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period.  The RTV viewing audience will witness the material difficulties that many Socially Disadvantage "Unlucky Australians", who had no say in the parents they drew or the genes they inherited, have to contend with in their daily lives.

The names of the Ten Corporate Sponsors would appear in the 'credits' at the conclusion of each of 34  x  One Hour RTV Episodes of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills", as well as some Wise Old Owls impressing with their individual contributions and commitment.  There would not be overt reference to which companies particular Wise Old Owls work or worked for.  However, there would be reference to the industry particular Wise Old Owls work or worked for which identify the particular Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives they contributed. 

As noted in Project Development Expertise, risk mitigation would draw heavily on the three Wise Old Owls from the Insurance/Accounting Firm and Legal amongst the Ten Corporate Sponsors.  Efforts to quantify/qualify through financial modeling the benefits of ATLSEIP would largely be sourced from the Investment Bank and the 'Pillar Bank' and Accounting Firm.  Requisite legal documentation required to administer the Life Skills Philanthropic Service Movement would fall to the Law Firm amongst the Ten Corporate Sponsors.

See Four Proposed RTV Programmes Will Materially Enhance Brand Name Of Ten Corporate Sponsors.

Public Relations Bonanza For Ten Corporate Sponsors is one of Thirteen Deliverables From ''Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Early Intervention Programme.