Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 


Social Inclusion or Social Inclusion Programmes means engaging Social Capital where sectors of the community (government, business and the not-for-profit sector, communities and individuals) work together to redress disadvantage to build a stronger, fairer Australia where all Australians have the opportunity and support to participate in our community which achieve the following benefits:

Enhanced Self-esteem / QOL Sense Of Community / Contribution To Society / Social Citizenship
Better Control Stress Responses / Coping Skills 
Personal Health And Fitness
Increased Labour Force Participation Productivity Tax Contributions

Diminished Drug Abuse Caused Crime / Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases  

Social Inclusion is making sure that all Australians are properly educated, trained, housed and working which involves skilled Australians passing on those skills and talents to Australians that have not attained them.  An integral component of Social Inclusion is Social Citizenship.

Social Inclusion describes how a civil society provides opportunity, builds wealth, is sustainable, promotes social harmony, and ensures greater equality and justice for its citizens.

The ultimate paragraph of Social Capital notes:

"When Social Capital seeks to foster important social outcomes, including increased employment, higher education, voluntary activity, and increased housing for peoples in low socio-economic areas, it constitutes Social Inclusion."

A further component of Social Inclusion is social infrastructure which is any infrastructure which facilitates the physical and mental health of communities which is traditionally provided by 'Local Government' in the form of community halls, libraries, child care centres, community swimming pools, tennis courts, sporting ovals etc. 

A strong correlation exists between the location of elite private senior school colleges and social infrastructure seemingly because parents are able to lobby 'Local Government' and those colleges to provide it.

Social infrastructure is any structure of human resources or material which facilitates the physical and mental health of communities.

See  Social Skills, Coping Skills Interpersonal Skills Social Capital, Social Citizenship, Social Infrastructure Lifestyle ProgrammeWaiting for word on social inclusionSocial Inclusion for New and Emerging Communities,  Australian Indigenous Health,  Mentoring Organisations And Programs and Social Inclusion Unit fails test.