Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme or YELP or Solution means pursuant to the 6th Guidance Influence under the management of the YELP  SPV with transparent planning, process, structure and disciplines for the Two Purposes Of YELP  SPV which -

(a)        is a Community Driven Healthy Exercise Lifestyle Programme involving strong will and sustained action by individuals, families, communities, major corporates and government agencies which employs the Youthful Exuberance Theme;

(b)        is explained in 29 Sections listed at the tail of the 'Home Page' and approx 30 'Sub-Sections' which are accessible from some of the Section pages (ie. Section 16), as well as in more than 300 Defined Terms and Documents;  

(c)        Pilot and Primary Research Programme  Achieves the Taskforce's Terms Of Reference and Accords With Taskforce's Discussion Paper in particular learning by doing’;

(d)        applies Adverse Effect And Cause Logic to research the Adverse Effects, namely Fifteen Problems, with associated Adverse Costs to the Australian economy which exceeds $155 billion annually, as quantified at Negligent Lifestyle Annual Costs, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks, in order to identify and treat some of the Causes;

(e)        has been Sculptured by the Business Plan Developer to provide a Holistic, integrated strategy with a Timetable Of Milestones, Propagation Forecasts And Targets and Pilot Goals, Forecasts and Predictions to Materially Alter Lifestyle which reduces the >$155b Negligent Lifestyle Annual Costs of Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks;

(f)         draws on the specialist skills of Pioneer Fit Old Farts and mentoring skills and Gatekeeper attributes of Golden Gurus under the Community Organising Model For Social And Economic Change which accords with Social Democratic Government;

(g)        utilises the Eleven Sport Administration Attributes, around retirement age, of proven sports administrators with extensive sports networking and a track-record of successfully encouraging hundreds of fellow Australians into the joys and character-building benefits of regular, rigorous, Challenging exercise in order to source 20 RECs to implement a 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot of YELP at the Venue For Pilot And Primary Research Programme because GPs are not able to perform the vital below Final Three Stages of Lifescripts (former) Five Basic Steps Of Change to Materially Alter Lifestyle:

             3.          Decide and prepare to make a change (determination/preparation

             4.          Implement genuine, determined action (action)

             5.          Over time, attempts to maintain the new behaviour occur (maintenance);

(h)        21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot will enable Interested Adults to commence one of 15 Recreational Exercise Activities whereby 20 RECs will -

(i)         Supervise Interested Adults to commence a RREA in a LDRREG; or

(ii)        Refer other less agile Interested Adults to commence a MREA in a LDMREG,

            which builds LCCBSGs enabling Participants to implement Positive Lifestyle Changes to Materially Alter Lifestyle and Change Social Values by commencing a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle to treat the Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks;

(i)         deploys a YELP Website (with e-Learning, e-Training and e-Research Techniques) to cost-effectively achieve a Critical Mass of 5,200 Interested Adults, known as the Pilot Sample, who become Participants in a presently unstructured array of 15 independent sporting/exercise activities which are provided by +900 existing sporting clubs/groups in the case of NSW;

(j)         utilises 50 Volunteers to test during a 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme (also using the YELP Website) whether the Hypothesis can cost-effectively treat the Fifteen Problems, as explained in Section 16;

(k)        Research Programme Team will use Return On YELP Capex Software to quantify the -

                         *          Hypothesis' scope to materially reduce the Fifteen Problems, which include the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks; and

                         *          the Economic Return On YELP Capex;

(l)         20 Month Budget to cover issuing post- Pilot and post-Primary Research Programme reports is $2,963,275 to achieve the Critical Mass of >5,200 Pilot Sample which Materially Alter Lifestyle to lead a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle which incorporates a 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme.   There are Two "Deal Breaker" Purposes Of The Primary Research Programme

(m)       approves pertinent Training Procedures and Risk Management Protocols for each of the initial 9 Rigorous Recreational Exercise Activities delivered cost-effectively via e-Learning and e-Training Techniques thru the internet;

(n)        pays Gross REC Remuneration to each REC according to the number of Adult Enquirers and GP's Patients each REC  Takes Charge Of  as measured from Participant Testimonials to -

            *            Supervises into a LDRREG; or

            *            Refers into a LDMREG,

(o)        encourages Organisers at existing and new LDREGs to adopt, as much as feasible, an Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model;

(p)        utilise  Existing Human Resources and Existing Recreational & Competitive Exercise Infrastructure; and

(q)        upon achieving a Critical Mass of 5,200 Participants at the end of the 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot, and quantifying the Hypothesis scope to treat the Fifteen Problems, cost-effectively Propagate  YELP to achieve the Propagation Forecasts And Targets to similarly Materially Alter Lifestyle and implement Positive Lifestyle Changes utilising Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives

(r)        number of RECs will reduce post-2013 because -

            A.          RECs will have fulfilled their initial purpose to achieve -

                         (a)        Critical Mass in order to launch the Propagation (3rd Phase) from 1 July 2013 - see Section 13 "Pilot Goals, Forecasts and Predictions"; and

                         (b)        Collective Action by end December 2015 - see Milestones Timetable; and

            B.         voluntary Accredited Participants would replace RECs  Supervising  Abled  Interested Adults thereby enabling RECs to limit their duties to -




                           *          Supervising  Disabled and  Disadvantaged  Interested Adults; and
                           *          supporting the vital role of Community Support Providers who are the backbone of LCCBSGs which foster a Sense Of Community.

On 28 Feb 2008 the Business Plan Developer e-mailed to a Nomination Form for the Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme to the Australia 2020 Summit, but was passed-over.