First National Preventive Health Research Programme YELP Holistic First Business Plan YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms SWOT Analysis Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans Second National Preventive Health Research Programme Bohemian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme Defined Terms BTAAP First BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme Defined Terms BTSCP Second BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme Third BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme Defined Terms BTB&MDCP 5 Ronald Ave, Freshwater NSW 2096 0434 715.861
(02) 9114.6689
(02) 9498.3684 8 October 2009
Dr Rob Moodie
(03) 8344 9299
Nossal Institute for
Global Health
Dear Dr. Moodie
1. has amended Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes to accord with Taskforce's report dated 30 June 2009 by assigning Sole Voting Rights to National Prevention Agency's Board of Governance which the Five SPVs would report to, thereby enabling the 16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme within 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot under YELP to launch on 13 Aug 2011, or afterwards - * implement 'learning by doing'; and * achieve by end-2016, 165,000 fitter, stronger Australian Interested Adults better able to work (from 2023) to 67 pension age 2. seeks a meeting with a member(s) of the Taskforce or a member(s) of the NPA's Board of Governance, or both, to discuss - a) YELP's capacity to reduce the >$155 million annual cost of Fifteen Problems which the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks dominate, with a Forecast Return On YELP Capex at least tenfold over and above the YELP SPV's Capex within 5 years, as calculated by applying the Return On YELP Capex Formula using Return On YELP Capex Software; and b) Second National Preventive Health Research Programme which will attract within 12 months of the 'Launch Dates' 5,100 Interested Marginalised Teenagers to become 5,100 Aggregate IMT Student Singers, Dancers or Musicians, of which over 1,000 would be Indigenous Australians, to become directly involved in 'The Performing Arts' by singing, dance and/or playing an orchestral instrument within a Local Community Common Bond Support Group in order to, 'inter alia' compete in an Annual National Bohemian Teenagers ''The Performing Arts Are Fun' Competition 3. Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes involve 60 Private Sector Equity Holders - (a) contributing 50% of TNPHP Budget Cost; (b) assisting review and refine the Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes for approval by NPA's Board of Governance; (c) enhance their Brand Name cost-effectively; (d) supply two Golden Gurus each who, due to providing high-level 'hands-on' creative leadership in the Five SPVs, would be invited to be 160 Pioneer Members Of The Prime Minister’s Council for Active Living;
(e) tangibly assist through the
Second National Preventive Health Research Programme
5,100 Aggregate
Marginalised Teenagers (f) establishing a platform for Corporate Philanthropy 4. The Five SPVs would report to the NPA's Board of Governance The Business Plan Developer refers to his Ninth Letter to Chair of Preventive Health Taskforce dated 5 August 2009 which informed that the Business Plan Developer had - (i) deferred the 16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme to commence on 1 November 2010 in Perth; and (ii) written the core of the Second National Preventive Health Research Programme then limited to the Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme which would - to become IMT Student Musicians who make up 20 Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras applying the Six Functions Of BTSO SPV for the Seven Purposes Of Second BTAAP with a Forecast Return On BTSO Capex.
I initially submitted my
YELP Holistic Hub First Business Plan to
Professor Warwick Anderson, CEO, NHMRC of
Australia on 12 Nov 2007.
Professor Anderson's response dated 13th Dec
2007 suggested I approach NSW Health and finished with
Shaun Larkin's e-mail to
Business Plan Developer of
July 2008 5:18 PM included -
Log # 53. Chair of Taskforce's letter to the Business Plan Developer dated 2 April 2009 noted "Best wishes for continued development of the programme."
Upon receiving Shaun's e-mail, and subsequently
chatting with him, and receiving your brief letter, I continued
developing the YELP
First Business Plan with gusto,
which accords with the
Prime Minister's
Goal To Involve The Private Sector, facilitate
Philanthropy and 'Corporate Social Responsibility'
and utilise Golden Gurus.
Section 7. "Towards a National Preventive Health Strategy – your views" of your
invited submissions.
Extracts from Taskforce's Terms
Of Reference,
Extracts from Taskforce's Discussion Paper,
our Prime Minister assertions re the value of utilising
Golden Gurus and
involving the private sector and
establishing a platform for
Corporate Philanthropy influenced the
type of management structure in my
YELP Holistic Hub First Business
Second National Preventive Health Research Programme
which both comply with
Prime Minister's Goal to involve
the Private Sector, facilitate Philanthropy and 'Corporate Social Responsibility'
and utilise Golden Gurus.
Annexure G
"Schedule of
provides links to my 98 letters and CDs (out of 113
items of correspondence) which I have posted to
ministers for health, environment, climate change and
innovation, at both Federal departments and NSW
state govt departments over the last 20 months, in
addition to the
members of the Preventive Health Taskforce,
and the PM's Chief of Staff.
I have been keen to post each of them because the
Business Plan Developer -
has enjoyed directly assisting >100 interested adults
over the last 20 years from
the local community to shed weight, improve
their diet and reduce drug intake by enjoying the
Fun and Addiction of Recreational
Exercise within a
Local Community Common Bond Support Group; and
worked on major infrastructure projects for 18
my 37 years at Commonwealth Bank and I understand the A to
Z of progressing a business plan with the
stakeholders, often known as
Information Memorandum, to 'Financial Close',
thence 'Practical Completion' and then to the 'Operations Stage'
to achieve a
ideally above the 'Hurdle Rate' to
deliver a project on time and within budget -
noted in
Eleven Steps To Complete A
Greenfield or Brownfield Infrastructure Project.
I did not request anyone not to publish details
Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme
on the
Preventive Health Taskforce website
APPENDIX 4: Submissions to the Preventive
Health Taskforce
YELP Program Concept
under the above listing appears:
number of organisations provided multiple submissions,
bringing the total number
of submissions (as distinct for organisations) to 397.
submissions can be found on the Preventive Health Taskforce website at
Some submissions have not been
published on the website at the request of the author(s)."
I did not request anyone not to
publish a link to
Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme on the
Preventive Health Taskforce - Submissions
webpage or not to publish a file(s) that
explains it such as the definition of
Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme,
First Business Plan or the
My submissions provide for the
Five SPVs to each pay
me a $1
Peppercorn Fee for my 22 months
of R&D to produce my
Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes
60 Private Sector
Equity Holders would fund 50% of
Equity Contributions.
Working on R& D for 22 months for $4
patently highlights that I have no concern over privacy
A two or three page letter which
the particular writer believes is a wonderful new idea, could be viewed
by the
Taskforce as a "Concept". However,
in light of the Taskforce's explicit
Terms Of Reference, the Taskforce considering a 500
Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme, with over 400
Defined Terms,
Achieves All The
Taskforce's Terms Of Reference,
to be a
"Concept", leaves
The penultimate paragraph of the
"Chair’s Foreword" of
Australia: the
healthiest country by 2020
Hard drive space is remarkable cheap, and
hitting 'Send' on an 'FTP Publisher' to publish the contents of my CD requires a
few minutes I.T. work, although it would likely take 10 mins or so for the PC to
transmit the files to the Taskforce's web host. Hence, in light of your
above enthusiasm ".........to
hear, and to tell others, of your contribution",
I am surprised that
you did not publish anything about my submission
APPENDIX 4: Submissions to the Preventive
Health Taskforce.
In keeping with "It
is keen to hear, and to tell others, of your contribution",
I look forward to canvassing support for my
Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes
As I have two websites (www.Muggaccinos.com
I look forward to
inviting via the
national forum
Australians to Google my
Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes
www.muggaccinos.com, and to opine via
yourHealth on my commitments to making
Interested Adults
from amongst
Australia's 22m
Human Brownfield Infrastructure materially more healthy, pursuant
Propagation Forecasts And Targets,
Pilot Goals,
Forecasts & Predictions
Milestones Timetable.
yourHealth will facilitate others, in
particular those with
Project Development
Expertise, who share our
Prime Minister's Goal to involve
the Private Sector, facilitate Philanthropy and 'Corporate Social Responsibility'
and utilise Golden Gurus
and 'Private Sector' capital and draw on the mentoring capabilities of
Golden urus with specific skill sets, to comment on -
First National Preventive Health Research
known as
YELP, to
achieve its
Pilot Goals,
Forecasts & Predictions,
Propagation Forecasts And Targets,
Timetable Of Milestones and
Return On YELP Capex
within it ;
Second National Preventive Health Research Programme's
capacity to
attract within 12 months of the 'Launch Dates'
5,100 Interested Marginalised Teenagers
who apply to become
5,100 Aggregate IMT
Student Singers, Dancers or Musicians, of which
over 1,000
would be
Indigenous Australians, thus
becoming directly involved in 'The Performing Arts'
by singing, dance and/or playing an orchestral
instrument within a
Local Community Common Bond Support Group in
order to, 'inter alia' compete in one of
Three Annual National
Bohemian Teenagers ''The Performing Arts Are Fun' Competitions
By providing high-level
creative leadership
in 'hands-on' roles in the
Five SPVs, the -
32 Pioneer Fit Old Farts
under the
First National Preventive Health Research
Programme; and
96 Golden Gurus In
Second National Preventive Health Research Programme
under my
Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes would
eligible to be
accepted into the Prime Minister’s Council for Active Living.
Below is an extract from the
Taskforce's final report
to the Minister for Health & Ageing dated 30 June 2009:
"Exercise is considered the ‘best preventive medicine for old age’.[56]
Evidence suggests that the impacts from a wide range of physical health and
mental health conditions and dependency in old age can be reduced or
minimised through regular physical activity of moderate intensity.[59] The
inherent challenge is how to encourage the uptake and maintenance of
physical activity amongst the older population, especially for those who
have not been active over their lifetime or who have experienced a change in
their level of mobility or living arrangements.[56]"
Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme
targets the afore-mentioned
Your Discussion Paper and Final Report cited a recent US study Prevention for a Healthier America that estimated for every US$1 invested in "proven community-based disease prevention programs" (ie. increasing physical activity, maintaining a Healthy Diet and reducing smoking levels), the return on investment over and above the $1 per head cost of the program would be US$5.60 within five years. It did not explain what the proven community-based disease prevention program involves. That recent US study did not also measure the material health cost savings due to reducing excessive consumption of alcohol (which apart from liver disease, also include costs such as alcohol induced violence, assaults and trauma accidents, in particular car accidents) from a proven community-based disease prevention program. A Preventive Health programme to Improve Personal Health & Fitness for Interested Adults, who are presently leading a Sedentary Lifestyle, which induces the above improvements in physical activity, nutrition and reduced smoking from "proven community-based disease prevention programs", would also materially reduce excessive consumption of alcohol, as participants within their local community Local Community Common Bond Support Group strived to improve their fitness to be competitive with other participants. Hence, the YELP First Business Plan asserts that based on empirical data re the cost of Recreational Drug Abuse, in particular excessive consumption of alcohol (refer Section 3) that if the reduction in excessive consumption of alcohol had also been quantified in the afore-mentioned recent US study, the forecast benefit of US$5.60 within 5 years would be US$7 circa within five years for a one-off US$1 outlay. Although no research has ever been conducted to collectively measure the economic cost of the Fifteen Problems (set out in Section 3) which are in the main due to Negligent Lifestyle and a penchant for Economic Materialism, as explained in Causes, the YELP Holistic 'Hub' First Business Plan contends that the Forecast Return On YELP Capex for every dollar expended by the YELP SPV, determined by testing the Hypothesis, will be at least tenfold over and above the YELP SPV's Capex within 5 years and likely to swell in the main due to the increasingly deleterious effect of Climate Change and burgeoning rates of Obesity. The Executive Summary is testimony to the YELP First Business Plan's detail with a Snapshot Page To 10 Project Benchmark Techniques To Appraise Economic Merit Of YELP under a 21½ months Pilot to achieve the Pilot Goals, Forecasts and Predictions and the Primary Research Programme Forecast Results within the Pilot Budget. IV. My Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes fit criteria in your Terms Of Reference, Discussion Paper and Final Report
Five SPVs would report to
Board of Governance
I have read the 226 page
'Full Report', and the snapshot 59 page
Overview. I
have modified the
YELP Holistic Hub First Business Plan
to achieve 1.
in the above headings, by amending
Sole Voting Rights
from the previously proposed
Four Public Sector Equity Holders
Board of Governance,
whereupon the
YELP SPV, administered by
Pioneer FOFs
who work for
Equity Holders
which fund 100% of
Budget Costs,
would report to the
Board of Governance.
Equity Holders
are comfortable with the final form of
YELP First Business Plan, referred to
as Interested Parties Agreed YELP First Business Plan,
Equity Holders
would then
submit the
First National Preventive Health
Research Programme to the
Board of Governance
for the
Board of Governance's
approval, whereupon the
Equity Holders would expend the
Budget Costs
that the
Equity Holders
would provide,
pursuant to the
Hub First Business Plan.
In simple terms, the
Pioneer FOFs
from the
Equity Holders,
who each possess
Five FOF Qualities,
would recommend
Implementation Strategy
(which includes
YELP Budget) to the
Board of Governance
who would either accept or reject it. If
Board of Governance
approved the
Implementation Strategy,
YELP SPV would action it.
Whereupon on 1 Nov 2009, or afterwards, a
16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme
21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot,
could be launched
'inter alia'
by end-2016,
165,000 fitter, stronger Australian
better able to work (from 2023) to
67 pension age.
I seek a meeting with a member(s) of the
Taskforce or a member(s) of the
Board of Governance,
or both to discuss my
Two National Preventive Health Research Programmes which are
'learning by doing'
In light of
"Based on current trends there is an urgent and immediate need to address the growing prevalence of obesity and overweight in Australia",
and the above, I
seek a meeting with a member(s) of the Taskforce or
a member(s) of the
Board of Governance,
or both,
to discuss
capacity to reduce the >$155 million annual cost of
Fifteen Problems
which the
Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks
in the main due to
Negligent Lifestyle
by implementing urgent action via
YELP which accords with
learning by doing. I also ask you to
Second National Preventive Health Research Programme
known as the Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme [briefly explained in
(ii) above] and my
National Preventive Health Research Programme known as
Bohemian Teenager Ballet
& Modern Dance
Programme, which utilise
Venezuela Model
based on
Five Renowned Famous Orchestras
And Choirs Which Have Successfully
Targeted Homeless and
because they
both fall within:
"Fund, implement and promote effective and relevant strategies and programs
to address specific issues experienced by people in low-income communities" My
National Preventive Health Research Programme seeks to establish
Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance
Company with approx 90
IMT Student Dancers in each of the 20 'Dance Companies' in the
20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions In Australia With A Population >1,500
RTV Promotion of 27 x 60 min weekly episodes each of "Bohemian Teenagers Create A Symphony" and "Bohemian Teenagers Dance" which show how IMT Student Musicians and other IMT Student Dancers respectively, within each of the Selected 20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions In Australia With A Population >1,500 drove themselves to outperform other IMT Student Musicians and other IMT Student Dancers from the other 19 selected lower-socio economic regions, in both symphonic orchestral music and Ballet and Modern Dance, would - a) prove a powerful Motivational Influence; b) display a highly cost-effective use of fiscal and 'Private Sector' equity capital; and c) show the National Prevention Agency in a exceedingly positive and innovative light working with other agencies, industry and the community to tangibly assist residents in low socio-economic regions.
RTV Promotion will also reduce BTSOP Net Budget Costs and BTB&MDP Net Budget Costs. Steven McRae, who was a student at Rooty Hill Public School, but is now the 'Principal Dancer' with Britain's Royal Ballet Company, would be a marvellous promotional example to render dancing to be chic and hip to many Interested Bohemian Teenagers from similar low socio-economic regions. Naturally, several of the Selected 20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions In Australia With A Population >1,500 would be dominated by Indigenous Australian teenagers.
Establishing both a Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestra and a Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Company in the same Selected 20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions In Australia With A Population >1,500 by, 'inter alia', drawing on the important contributions of Golden Gurus, utilising extensive RTV Promotion of each of the 20 'Orchestras' and each of the 20 'Dance Companies' would be an exceedingly powerful Motivational Influence to improve the health, self-esteem and ambitions of not only the 3,300 approx Interested Marginalised Teenagers from those 20 selected regions, but also the populace of those regions, due to pride in the achievements of some of their own Bohemian teenager residents and the positive profile of their local communities. Jonathon Welch , the driving-force behind Melbourne Street Choir, which morphed into Choir of Hope and Inspiration, would no doubt be pleased if the NPA took out the trifecta by approving a 'Fourth National Preventative Health Research Programme' known as 'Bohemian Teenagers Hip Hop & Rap Choirs Programme' in the same Selected 20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions with 'BTHH&RCP Budget Costs' lower than BTB&MDP Net Budget Costs. There are lots of similar choirs around the world. However, many of theses are driven by the Christian Right in the USA. A BTHH&RCP would foster and nurture a Local Community Common Bond Support Group in each of the 20 'Selected Regions'. However, it would equally support all of the Five Major Religions as well as respecting those 'IMT Student Singers' who were not religious. I could readily apply the 'YELP Model' deployed in the Second National Preventive Health Research Programme to write a 'Bohemian Teenagers Hip Hop & Rap Choirs Programme'.
The economies, synergies and Bang for Buck from establishing all 'Three Bohemian Teenager Programmes' in the same Selected 20 Lowest Socio-Economic Regions would far outweigh any perceived political benefits of spreading these programmes thinner. When each proves as successful as I believe they will, they can be propagated because the ROCE will be quantified under each of the Research Programmes.
As logged in Annexure G "Schedule of Correspondence", this Tenth Letter to Chair of Preventive Health Taskforce dated 8 October 2009 which encloses 2 CDs "as at 8 October 2009", informs that the Business Plan Developer has also posted a YELP CD "as at 8 October 2009" under covering letter to the six other Members of the Taskforce and 2 CDs to Peter Morris, Dept of Health & Ageing, dated 8 October 2009 and 1 CD to Ms. Susan Rogers, Dept of Health & Ageing dated 8 October 2009.
Recapping the above point 2 of my heading, I seek a meeting with a member(s) of the Taskforce or a member(s) of the NPA's Board of Governance, or both, to discuss - 1. YELP's capacity to reduce the >$155 million annual cost of Fifteen Problems resulting from Negligent Lifestyle Behaviour which the Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks dominate, with a Forecast Return On YELP Capex at least tenfold over and above the YELP SPV's Capex within 5 years, as calculated by applying the Return On YELP Capex Formula using Return On YELP Capex Software; and 2. Second National Preventive Health Research Programme's Forecast Return On BTSOP Capex of at least twofold within 10 years; and 3. Third National Preventive Health Research Programme's Forecast Return On BTB&MDP Capex of at least threefold within 10 years. NB: I have received 4 acknowledgement letter from Peter Morris which are logged in Annexure G "Schedule of Correspondence". I recently noticed that each letter was addressed to 5 Ronald Ave, The Freshwater NSW 2466. My address is 5 Ronald Ave, Freshwater NSW 2096. I do not know if there were any other letters that did not find there way to 5 Ronald Ave, Freshwater NSW 2096. Yours sincerely
Phil Johnston |