Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Targets The Prime Minister's Indigenous Advisory Council's Three Priority Areas  or  Targets Three Priority Areas means the Closing the Gap - Prime Minister’s Report 2015 notes:

"The Government has received practical advice from the Indigenous Advisory Council, chaired by Warren Mundine, on the three priority areas of getting children to school, adults into jobs and making communities safer which are fundamental to improving the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities.  Focusing on these priorities will produce real progress against the Closing the Gap targets and help to address the most intractable difficulties in eliminating Indigenous disadvantage."

ATLSEIP targets each of the Three Priority Areas:

1st.     Getting children to school

           A.        The Four Proposed RTV Programmes will feature many of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students preparing for and competing in Three Motivational Teams Challenges at Four Challenge Judging Venues to 'inter alia' achieve Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Academic Forecast. 

                        The 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students that train for and participate in the Three Motivational Teams Challenges will display a lot of excitement, bonhomie and personal satisfaction in the Four Proposed RTV Programmes due to the following three 'inputs':

                       1st      Commitment and dedication exhibited by the 30 Indigenous Local Connectors (supported by Six Regional Township Teams' Co-ordinators) during weekly Sanctioned Team Connector Training Sessions to train for and compete in Three Mixed Team Sports, Public Speaking And Speech Preparation Skills and I.T. And Useful Social Media Apps 1,143 Mentor Days (370 attending Three Motivational Teams Challenges + 773 conducting weekly Indigenous Local Connector Training Sessions) from shortly after the start of the school year, say end-Feb to end of the September/October School Holidays - 35 weeks p.a.)

                       2nd      Professionalism and articulation provided by the Gatekeeper amongst the Cross Section Of Mentors during 3 days On-Site Workshops held in each of the Six Regional Townships which aggregates 540 Mentor Days (54 Mentor Days per Regional Township) and includes -
+        180
Mentor Days from 12  x  Sporting Role Models; and
+        180
Mentor Days from 10 x  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees

                       3rd       Wise counsel from 4  x  Life Skills Guardians in the Second RTV Year to provide Mentoring Support Messages which aggregates 6Mentor Days.

            B.        Maximise Student Enthusiasm And Keep Other 'Various Parties' Informed Of Progress notes that the Show 'n Tell  Reward & Recognition Incentive will enable - 

                      (i)        each Ten Regional Township Team to see photos and movies of their On-Site Workshops and separate team training efforts, as well as in the individual Student Profile webpages in the Regional Township Team Web Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website, for each of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students to view on computers at their local library, their school, at some friend's homes etc;

                      (ii)        the Ten Regional Township Teams can 'see what their competition is doing'; and

                      (iii)       other Various Parties to monitor progress in the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme.    

2nd.     Adults into jobs

            Below is the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Academic Forecast:

            *           40% (ie. 56 of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students) forecast to leave high school after Year 10;

            *           60% (ie. 84 of the 140 other Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students) forecast to continue to Year 12; and

            *           40% (ie. 24 of the above 84 other Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students) forecast to commence a university degree or technical college course. 

            Below is one of the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme which will evidence more 'Adults into jobs' particularly in Low Socio-Economic Regions in isolated country towns thereby reducing Social Disadvantage.

            (ii)        Overriding Purpose Of 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme to instill self-belief within several hundred thousand Australian teenagers who are not excelling, or did not excel, at junior high school............................ that they also can Maximise Life Opportunities, which includes Aspire To A Successful Working Career, by developing a hunger for 'learning and knowledge'  because of the 'power to achieve'  that manifests.

            Below is an extract from On-Site Workshops:

            "To facilitate the Indigenous Advisory Council's Second Priority Area, a representative from the Australian vocational education and training (VET) system could accompany the two Life Skills Guardians and one Sporting Role Model that attend each of the Six Regional Townships in latter half of the Second RTV Year to explain training programmes and study courses associated with the various trades (eg plumbing, electricians, carpentry, plasterer, locksmith etc.) including that "women outnumber men in several small trades including animal attendants and trainers, veterinary nurses, clothing trades workers and gallery, medical technicians and library and museum technicians."