Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Contribute To Society or Contribution To Society or Contributing To Society means the fourth of the four determinants of Maximise Life Opportunities and involves each Australian truthfully 'paying his/her own rent in life to the best of their means and abilities'.


Equally important, improvements in the following yardsticks in those Disabled, Socially Disadvantaged and Disadvantaged who receive explicit assistance, from (ii) above, would also be quantified through metrics:

  1. Personal Health And Fitness

  2. QOL and Self-esteem,

  3. Health Care Costs

  4. Changed Social Values

  5. Materially Altered Lifestyle

  6. Positive Lifestyle Changes





Examples of Contributing To Society are not limited to:

(i)         accepting responsibility for one's circumstances and behaviour, which includes shouldering the cost of children one brings into this world whilst they remain children;

(ii)        teaching one's children to be -

             *         law-abiding,

             *         industrious,

             *         self-reliant,

             *         patriotic; and

             *         responsible for the well-being and behaviour of immediate family members;

(iii)       diligently working at least 40 hours a week, either -

             *         gainfully employed, self-employed, or;

             *         raising a family (a stay-home mother);

(iv)       seeking to learn more useful skills, either through tertiary education, or on the job training;

(v)        paying one's income and consumption taxes;

(vi)       obeying Federal, state and local government laws;

(vii)      believing that each Australian has different skills and talents in varying degrees and seeking to facilitate each Australian receiving an opportunity to play a useful role in society, in particular to have access to employment under reasonable working conditions and at a liveable wage;

(viii)     seeking to create a Sense Of Community in which people feel more secure, wanted, useful, empowered, and able to grow, by -

             *         being friendly and helpful to one's neighbour and non-discriminatory,

             *         being a 'team-player' committed to civic engagement and loyalty where loyalty is earned; and

             *         seeking to collaborate with people who hold different interests by ensuring inclusion in decision-making of all affected people, known as Community Organizing, by -

                       ^          firstly defining those interests; and

                       ^^        secondly agreeing to work towards common goals; and

(ix)       not stealing from the community, either overtly or implicitly, by being untruthful regarding one's circumstances;

(x)        maintaining a Healthy Diet, not Abusing Recreational Drugs and striving to achieve and maintain Personal Health & Fitness;

(xi)       providing, with compassion and fairness, the Disadvantaged and Disabled with access to community based programs if such programmes increase such Disadvantaged's and Disabled's Contribution To Society; and

(xii)      not damaging the environment for future inhabitants of terra firma - which has sustained life for millions of years, and Homo sapiens for approx. 120,000 years - by leaving a small Personal Carbon Footprint.