First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Philanthropy or Philanthropic means the act of donating money, goods, time, or effort to support a charitable cause, usually over an extended period of time and in regard to a defined objective.  In a more fundamental sense, Philanthropy may encompass any altruistic activity or community structure which is intended to promote good or improve the QOL of those less fortunate. 

During the past few years, Philanthropy has become a larger phenomena and received greater press coverage owing to the high profile of -

(i)         rock star Bono's campaign to alleviate Third World debt to developed nations;

(ii)        Gates Foundation's massive resources and ambitions, such as its campaigns to eradicate malaria and river blindness;

(iii)       billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway Chair Warren Buffett's donation in 2006 of $30 billion to the Gates Foundation;

(iv)       Dick Smith and John Woods; and

(v)        David Rockefeller, Ronald Perelman, Larry Ellison, Sanford Weill, Ted Turner and Paul Allen joined a pledge started by Warren Buffett for billionaires to give more than half their wealth to charity.   40 billionaires and wealthy executives have publicly agreed to the pledge, after Buffett promised to donate more than 99 percent of his wealth, giving the greatest part of his fortune, estimated in March at $47 billion by Forbes Magazine, in annual instalments to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Giving Pledge now chronicles ~65 billionaires who have committed to giving at least 50% of their wealth to charities.

Although such individuals are often very wealthy, many, many other people perform Philanthropic acts without possessing great wealth via such organisations in Australia as Rotary Australia and Lions Australia or volunteering for Not-For-Profits.

Successful, well-off business people are generally not attracted to donate material money, goods, time, or effort to support a charitable cause, unless they are directly involved with and contribute to the structure and operations of the Philanthropic activity.  They usually have very tight 'terms of reference' to which they will pledge part of their fortunes.

Hence, increasing Philanthropy, in particular Corporate Philanthropy, to facilitate Positive Lifestyle Changes is a reason why the First Business Plan is a JV between -

A.)        Four Public Sector Equity Holders to Capture Complimentary Synergies of the interdependent agencies of Department of Health and Ageing and Environment, Heritage and the Arts or Dept of Climate Change ,  DIISR and RET due to some overlap in their respective charters; and

B.)        12 Private Sector Equity Holders to Harness Private Sector Infrastructure & PPP Skills which are highly familiar with PPPs Base Case Financial Models and dedicated modelling similar to Return On YELP Capex Software required to quantify the Economic Return On the YELP  SPV's  Capex.

"Ipso facto", if Governments wish to encourage individual Philanthropy, Corporate Philanthropy and utilise the Gatekeeper attributes of Golden Gurus beyond Rotary Australia and Lions Australia, then Governments need to create explicit 'purpose-built programmes' where successful business people, approaching retirement or having recently retired, can make a hands-on contribution to create the structure and operations of a charitable cause(s) such as the YELP  SPV which may have a spin-off benefit of enhancing the Brand Name of their employer if it facilitated their generous support.

12 Private Sector Equity Holders notes 'inter alia' Compilation of the 12 Private Sector Equity Holders where each Private Equity Holder brings Infrastructure expertise to the PPP from 2 Pioneer Fit Old Farts and Section 16 (i) Equity Holders Input.................

Four Benefits To 12 Proposed Private Sector Equity Holders contends that the CEO’s of a Dozen Major Australian Companies would be keen to provide the assistance of a senior executive or two (aged over 50 who regularly participates in a RREA in a LDRREG) to opine on, develop and eventually agree the final form of the Prototype  Phase known as the Interested Parties Agreed YELP First Business Plan.

Inviting 2 Pioneer Fit Old Farts aged over 50 from 12 Private Sector Equity Holders and Four Public Sector Equity Holders who possess Five Pioneer FOF Qualities will realise material innovation, creativity and enterprise to better Capture Complimentary Synergies of the below four interdependent agencies:

  1. Depart of Health and Ageing

  2. Climate Change Agency

  3. DIISR

  4. RET

Inviting 32 successful corporate/govt executives from the 16 Equity Holders in keeping with Community Organizing Model For Social And Economic Change will bring together citizens with a particular skill-set to assist hands-on design, structure and operations.

Enabling such 'active' involvement will evidence Pioneer FOFs wanting -

*         their own imprimatur; and

*         the Brand Name of their company,

to be patently associated with YELP. 

It may well also enable long term Philanthropic support for/involvement with YELP from these inaugural 32 FOFs - known as Pioneer FOFs.

Section 12 explains that 'inter alia' that, assisted by the Annual Presentation Awards Dinner in each state capital which presents a YELP Exceptional Community Contribution Medal in recognition of each Exceptional Community Contribution, YELP provides an opportunity for successful business people around retirement age who possess Eleven Sport Administration Attributes to be Philanthropic by becoming RECs on a low Gross REC Remuneration relative to their present income because such successful business people around retirement age -

(a)        view YELP as a well structured vehicle to foster a Sense Of Community by assisting Interested Adults less well off than themselves, in particular the Disabled and Disadvantaged; and

(b)        are comfortable with Donating To YELP Disabled Equipment Fund from Nil up to 50% of their Gross REC Remuneration thereby receiving Net REC Remuneration

Gross Head Consultant Remuneration and the definition of the Business Plan Developer explains that the Head Consultant's  Donation To YELP Disabled Equipment Fund would be 25% of his Gross Head Consultant Remuneration.

YELP similarly facilitates Philanthropy beyond RECs as the Annual Presentation Awards Dinner also recognises A) to H) in  Exceptional Community Contributions.

The Bohemian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme explains the Second National Preventive Health Research Programme which draws on the Gatekeeper attributes of  Golden Gurus with a specific range of life and work skills to provide Social Infrastructure to people most in need of it.

See Corporate Philanthropy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Brand Name, Gatekeepers,  Golden Gurus, Existing Human Resources, Existing Recreational & Competitive Exercise Infrastructure, Four Benefits To 12 Proposed Private Sector Equity Holders and Senex Philanthropy Service Movement.

We'll be richer if our last cheque bounces - Andrew Taylor