Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Max 4¾ Years means the maximum Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period which 34  x  One Hour RTV Episodes of "Attaining Teenager Life Skills" -

*         will follow the adolescent development paths of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students as they receive Six Mentor Guidance Topics; and

*         powerfully deliver Mentoring Support Messages from the Cross Section Of Mentors,

is from the start of Year 9 to nine months after Year 12 to follow the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students career paths post Year 12.

Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period includes the below:

NB:      Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme notes that Enable New Role Models In Isolated Country Towns And Enhance Pride In These Towns is one of Thirteen Deliverables.  Hence, there may be merit in extending the Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills Coverage Period by a further five years to 9¾ years and follow the old precedent of the 7 Up Series produced by Granada Television, and revisit some or all of the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students say five years later to profile some 'Role Models' to Enhance Pride In These Towns.  Such an extension of the Coverage Period would not involve the Cross Section Of Mentors or the Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues beyond the Max 4¾ Years.

See September/October 2022 School Holidays,  First RTV Year,  Second RTV Year,  Third RTV Year Fourth RTV Year Fifth RTV Year