Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Disadvantaged or Marginalised means inter alia:

  • receive a low income; and/or

  • have a Disability—intellectual, psychiatric, physical, sensory, neurological or a learning disability; and/or

  • suffer a serious or chronic illness; and/or

  • are homeless; and/or

  • are very young without adult support; and/or

  • are old; and/or

  • have low education displaying poor reading, writing and numerical skills; and/or

  • from a non-English speaking background; and/or

  • may live in rural and remote areas; and/or

  • many are Indigenous to Australia.

SMH article "Crying out for a new beginning" by Rachel Olding, published 2 Feb '13, encapsulates the social costs of being Disadvantaged and living in remote Australian townships.

Annual social costs of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs grew to $56.1 billion in 2004-05.

Negligent Lifestyle Annual Costs

Social Disadvantage