Letter to Adele Ferguson 5 Oct 2019      Defined Terms and Documents  

2.       Earlier this year, the Writer provided all necessary evidence to Bank Reform Now for it to lobby for a second wave of the Royal Commission focusing on a breach of Statutory Duty by the Principal Regulator of the Payments System


The Bank Reform Now website proclaims:

"The banking system is corrupt. The time has come to clean it up.
Take action to help bring about essential bank reforms.
It must be done. It can be done. It will be done - with your help."

It attests -

Bank Reform Now's  Facebook and Twitter make similar representations.

The Writer posted his initial submission to Dr. Peter Brandson, Bank Reform Now dated 16 March 2019 in A4 hardcopy, USB Flash Drive and 2 DVDs under the following title/headings:

1.        Second Wave of Royal Commission into Financial Services:


            Duration:  Two weeks (one week of hearings followed by one week of questioning/cross examination of financial regulators in particular the Principal Regulator of the Payments System) One Week Of Hearings - Six Hours a Day For Five Days from

            (1)      Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians identified by the RBA as Persistent Revolvers - sourced by Financial Counsellors; and 

            (2)      Quantitative, Qualitative, Credit Card Distress Authorities, Numeracy And Literacy Authorities, And Newspaper Article Evidence Of Unfair Credit Card Practices Which Prey Upon Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians By Numeracy And Literacy Discrimination, in particular Credit Card Distress Authorities and Numeracy And Literacy Authorities

           Then one week of cross examination/questioning of -
 (A)      Governor of the
RBA (re 'Sixteen Questions" in 2. of Version2 of Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019); and
 (B)      Chairman of APRA, ASIC, ACCC and CEO of ABA (re another 6 Questions in 2. of
Version2 of Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019)

Singular Term of Reference:   Breach of
Statutory Duty by the RBA as Principal Regulator of the Payments System through its Payments Systems Board that countenanced Predatory Marketing of Credit Card Products to Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australian  Credit Cardholders - many have paid Usurious Unsecured Interest Rates and suffered Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress contrary to the RBA's parliamentary decreed role to ensure "...the economic prosperity and welfare of (all) the people of Australia"


2.       Sixteen of the Thirty Two Written Questions (to extend the Royal Commission to address inter alia 1. above) are directed at the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia - some will be difficult and embarrassing to answer.  A further six Questions are directed to other financial services regulators

The Writer posted Version 2 of his original submission to Dr. Peter Brandson, Bank Reform Now dated 9 April 2019.

The Writer posted his 3rd letter (also in DVDs, USB Stick and A4) to Dr. Peter Brandson, Bank Reform Now dated 2 Aug 2019Below is a sentence from that 3rd letter:

           ''The Writer welcomes discussing with you his above work, after you have sought a lawyer, versed in “statutory interpretation”, to appraise the above referenced sections of legislation that govern the RBA's statutory obligations.''

Notwithstanding the above claims on the Bank Reform Now website, the Writer never received any response from Dr. Peter Brandson.

Click on Thirty Two Questions and Supporting Evidence for a second wave of the Royal Commission to consider asking -

A.        "the principal regulator of the payments system through the PSB", and Chair of the Council of Financial Regulators, that -

  (1)     has extensive powers to request information from payment system participants and operators regarding inter alia Credit Cards under, amongst other clauses, Part 5—Miscellaneous, Section 26 of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998;

  (2)     is bound to " ....inform the Government, from time to time, of the Bank's monetary and banking policy" under Section 11(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959 having regard to its obligations under Section 10(2) 'Functions of Reserve Bank Board' of Reserve Bank Act 1959 to "best contribute to.......... the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia"; and

  (3)     holds authority under Division 4, Section 18 of the Payments System Regulation Act 1998 to set Standards that "are in the public interest" for a previously 'designated Payments System (under Division 2Section 11 of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 after having also imposed an Access Regime under Section 12

          Between 1960 and 1980 Australia's 'central bank', the Reserve Bank, diligently regulated Australia's commercial bank interest rates relying on, inter alia, Section 50 of the Banking Act 1959  "......... to achieve monetary policy, public sector financing and sectoral assistance objectives.....", as well as safeguarding against further bank collapses (chronicled in Chapter 17).  The RBA capped the maximum interest rate on Credit Cards in Australia at 18% until April 1985; 

B.        the Chair of ACCC as to whether particular aspects of Credit Card Issuers' marketing representations fall within the ACCC's definition of Unconscionable Conduct;  

C.        the Chair of APRA regarding his undertaking to a Senate Enquiry on 3 June 2017 that included:

                        "....the margins on credit card business look very high, certainly to any other form of credit, and certainly I can't sit here today with an explanation of why that is,"............ and ............ "Informing us all about that is probably a useful piece of work"?

D.        the Chair of ASIC to inform what action ASIC took to protect Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Credit Cardholders that have poor Financial Literacy Capacity, after ASIC published Report 224 "Access to financial advice in Australia" in Dec 2010 that included:

    " ......... the ABS measured skills in document literacy, prose literacy, numeracy and problem solving and found that approximately 7 million (46%) of Australians (and 7.9 million (53%) of Australians aged 15 to 74) had proficiency less than the minimum required for individuals to meet the complex demands of everyday life and work emerging in the knowledge-based economy‘ for document literacy and numeracy respectively".

The UK Guardian article 'The interest-free credit card trap snaring unwitting borrowers' is rife with examples of UK Credit Card Issuers' Predatory Marketing directed at Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Credit Cardholders that Lack Financial Acumen.  There is a welter of evidence that U.S. Credit Card Issuers are not immune from similar Unconscionable Credit Card Advertising

One could presuppose: "Well why shouldn't it be any different in Australia?"  It SHOULD be different in Australia, because Australia's 'central bank' has unique powers and exceptional responsibilities "...to.......... the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia" and for its Payments Systems Board to always Act in the Public Interest, not held by the 'central bank' of the UK or the USA.

Below is an extract from the Writer's page titled Australia's Principal Regulator of the Payments System:

"The Reserve Bank of Australia -

            A.     has powers to gather financial information from ADIs under Part 5—Miscellaneous, Section 26 of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998; and

            B.     has responsibilities to 'inter alia' "best contribute to.......... the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia" in terms of Section 10(2) 'Functions of Reserve Bank Board' of Reserve Bank Act 1959 which includes -
....inform the Government, from time to time, of the Bank's monetary and banking policy" under Section 11(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959;

                       to set Standards that "are in the public interest" relying on Division 4, Section 18 of the Payments System Regulation Act 1998 for a Payments System that it Designated on 12 April 2001 (under Division 2Section 11 of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998; and

                       to re-regulate commercial bank interest rates relying on Section 50 of the Banking Act 1959 that "are in the public interest",

  that are more extensive/inflexible/onerous than the -

  1.       Bank of England, that was not nationalised as Britain's central bank until 1946, which is a corporation wholly owned by the UK government - the 'Corporate governance: Board responsibilities' – SS5/16 (Short form) focus on the Corporates it regulates with no apparent obligation to best contribute to the peoples of Britain; and

  2.       U.S. Federal Reserve that was established as the United States' central bank until 1913, although the below item 7. "Promoting Consumer Protection and Community Development." obligates the U.S. Fed to research the impact of financial services practices on consumers and communities:

                       "The Federal Reserve advances supervision, community reinvestment, and research to increase understanding of the impacts of financial services policies and practices on consumers and communities."

Australia's 'central bank' has never exercised its rights -

*       under Part 5—Miscellaneous, Section 26 of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 to ask for financial data from the major Credit Card Issuers of Interest & Penalty Fees revenue for each of their Credit Cardholders for all Credit Card Products for a minimum of 12 months in order to establish if the User Pays Principle applies, notwithstanding that the RBA argued for greater application of the User Pays Principle in its paper "Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Aust:  "A Consultation Document" in Dec 2001; or

*       under Section 11(1) of the Reserve Bank Act 1959 to " ....inform the Government, from time to time, of the Bank's monetary and banking policy" having regard to its obligations under Section 10(2) 'Functions of Reserve Bank Board' of the Reserve Bank Act 1959  to "best contribute to.......... the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia", to set new Standards under Division 4, Section 18 of the Payments System Regulation Act 1998 to re-regulate a maximum Purchase interest rate and a maximum Cash Advance interest rate after it published LOAN RATE STICKINESS: THEORY AND EVIDENCE in June 1992 to adopt other User Pays Principle fee changes that -

          *        the RBA recommended in Dec 2001; and

          *        the Writer recommended in Section 8 of his letter (on CD) to the RBA dated 8 Dec. 2011 - explained in Point 9 of Supporting Evidence re 1st Question.