Letter to Peter Brandson 16 March 2019_Version 2     2nd Letter to Letter to Peter Brandson 9 April 2019_Version 2   Defined Terms and Documents  

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9 April 2019

Dr. Peter Brandson
CEO, Bank Reform Now
PO Box 497
Batemans Bay  NSW  2536


Dear Peter


1.        Second Wave of Royal Commission into Financial Services:


            Duration:  Two weeks (one week of hearings followed by one week of questioning/cross examination of financial regulators in particular the Principal Regulator of the Payments System
One Week Of Hearings - Six Hours a Day For Five Days from

            (1)      Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians identified by the RBA as Persistent Revolvers - sourced by Financial Counsellors; and 

            (2)      Quantitative, Qualitative, Credit Card Distress Authorities, Numeracy And Literacy Authorities, And Newspaper Article Evidence Of Unfair Credit Card Practices Which Prey Upon Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians By Numeracy And Literacy Discrimination, in particular Credit Card Distress Authorities and Numeracy And Literacy Authorities

           Then one week of cross examination/questioning of -
 (A)      Governor of the
RBA (re 'Sixteen Questions" in 2. of Version2 of Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019); and
 (B)      Chairman of APRA, ASIC, ACCC and CEO of ABA (re another 6 Questions in 2. of
Version2 of Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019)

Singular Term of Reference:   Breach of
Statutory Duty by the RBA as Principal Regulator of the Payments System through its Payments Systems Board that countenanced Predatory Marketing of Credit Card Products to Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australian  Credit Cardholders - many have paid Usurious Unsecured Interest Rates and suffered Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress contrary to the RBA's parliamentary decreed role to ensure "...the economic prosperity and welfare of (all) the people of Australia"


2.       Sixteen of the Thirty Two Written Questions (to extend the Royal Commission to address inter alia 1. above) are directed at the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia - some will be difficult to answer.  A further six Questions are directed to other financial services regulators

The Writer refers to his Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019 that he provided in A4 hardcopy, USB Flash Drive and 2 DVDs.

The Writer's  2nd Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 9 April 2019 provides Version 2 of Letter to Dr. Peter Brandson dated 16 March 2019 which now also includes a timetable/breakdown of the '1st week of hearings' in One Week Of Hearings - Six Hours a Day For Five Days:

(a)       Three days interviewing 66 Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australian Credit Cardholders (sourced by Financial Counsellors) that have suffered Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress (identified in RBA Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Matters Relating to Credit Card Interest Rates - Aug 2015 - as Persistent Revolvers) that are asked by a Financial Counsellor (that assisted him/her/them manage their financial indebtedness), if s/he/they would like to be interviewed by the Royal Commission, and so agreed.

(b)       One day interviewing the authors of comprehensive published reports listed in Numeracy And Literacy Authorities and financial journalists that have written articles about the havoc upon Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians that were issued too many Credit Cards.

(c)       One day interviewing Credit Card Distress Authorities, in particular Financial Counsellors that have assisted a welter of Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians manage their financial indebtedness.

Yours sincerely


Phil Johnston aka Bank Teller