Credit Card Products means as evidenced in Balance Transfer Interest Free Period Offers and below, Credit Cards, under either of the two Credit Card Payment Schemes, are the most differentiated product (in both both 'variety of types' and 'quantum of providers') in the entire Western World as evident from the plethora of types listed further below. Money lenders in the 21st Century, as likely in the 1st Century, focus on one or more promoted benefits, but often mislead with regard to the material hidden cost/s (interest and fees). Australian Bankers Association response to the Inquiry into credit card interest rates - 2015 noted that "The credit card market is very competitive with at least 70 different providers and 200 different products." Below are extracts from the Productivity Commission's Draft Report titled "Competition in the Australian Financial System" dated Jan 2018 - 401 pgs - accessible at Competition in the Australian Financial System:
70.19% of Australian adults owned a credit card as at 2018 - (a) with an annual fee from Nil up to $700 pa for Citi Prestige Visa Card - invariably a tax deduction - (offering a welter of 'goodies' including 70,000 bonus Reward Points and 2 Reward Points per dollar spent - the American Express Platinum Business Charge Card costs a whopping $1,500 annually fee because it provides 100,000 bonus Membership Reward Points if the cardholder spends $5,000 in initial 3 months) - see below advertisement; (b) where the Credit Cardholder might Forfeit Interest Free Period And Pay Interest On Each Purchase From The Purchase Date for three months if repayment of the monthly Total Amount Owing is "a day late or a dollar short", whereupon the applicable Interest Rate is applied from the date of each Purchase during the previous month and the Interest Free Period is cancelled for the following two months;
complimentary travel insurance; (e) Reward Points; (f) may receive a waived annual fee for the first year; and (g) frequent-flyer points. Citi Select Premium Credit Card grants 70,000 'bonus reward points' and a welter of income tax avoidance gifts and charges an annual fee of $700 - likely an annual company expense. Product Differentiation is a fundamental of micro-economics - making a homologous product (low barriers to entry) different from your competitors' similar homologous product to attract sales. (c) to (g) above is a shining example of Product Differentiation for the 'core purpose' of the humble plastic namely a quick swipe to establishes the Purchaser's 'ability-to-pay' to pay:
Credit Card Types - Finder lists the below nine categories: 2. Low interest rate credit cards 3. Balance transfer credit cards 5. Frequent flyer credit cards 6. Gold, platinum and black cards Credit Card Products - Finder lists over 80 different Credit Card Issuers. According to CANSTAR data cited by Westpac, Submission 21, p. 3, as at July 2015, there were at least 83 institutions offering 266 credit card products. Comparing the various types of credit cards lists the below 12 categories:
Below is an extract from Balance Transfer Interest Free Period Offers that evidences the proliferation of 'lure' Balance Transfer Credit Cards: