Determine and Set a Standard or Standards for a previously 'Designated' Payments System

PAYMENT SYSTEMS (REGULATION) ACT 1998 - Division 4 - Standards for designated systems - SECT 18

Reserve Bank may make standards for designated systems

             (1)  The Reserve Bank may, in writing, determine standards to be complied with by participants in a designated payment system if it considers that determining the standards is in the public interest.

Note:            A failure to comply with a standard is not an offence, but it may lead to a direction being given under Section 21.

             (2)  A standard:

                     (a)  comes into force:

                              (i)  unless subparagraph (ii) applies--on the day on which the determination of the standard is made; or

                             (ii)  if that determination specifies a later day as the day on which the standard comes into force--on the day so specified; and

                     (b)  continues in force until it is revoked.

             (3)  The Reserve Bank may, in writing, vary or revoke a standard.

             (4)  The Reserve Bank must not determine or vary a standard unless it has first consulted in accordance with section 28.

             (5)  The Reserve Bank may determine or vary a standard without complying with subsection (4) if:

                     (a)  the Reserve Bank considers that there is an urgent need for the determination or variation of the standard; or

                     (b)  in the case of a variation--the Reserve Bank considers that the variation is of a minor technical nature.

             (6)  If the Reserve Bank determines a standard, or varies or revokes a standard, it must, as soon as practicable, provide notification under section 29.

             (7)  A failure to comply with subsection (6) does not affect the validity of a standard or of the variation or revocation of a standard.



          Determine 'Standards' pursuant to Division 4, Section 18 of the Payments System Regulation Act 1998

          Determine Standards to 'inter alia' re-cap Credit Card interest rates for 'public interest issues'