Defined Terms  YELP Holistic First Business Plan  SWOT Analysis  Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs  Snapshot Page To 10 Project Benchmark Techniques

                                                                 5 Ronald Ave, Freshwater NSW

0412 045.224

(02) 9114.6689 

28 March 2008

Ms. Jane Halton, PSM

Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing

GPO Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601


Dear Ms. Halton


Business Plan for Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme ("YELP) to reduce the >$155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems which each impact Health and Lifestyle Behaviour

My name is Philip Johnston.  Last year I retired from Commonwealth Bank after working on many major Greenfield and Brownfield infrastructure projects, including PPPs, funded by syndicates of banks relying inter alia a Base Case Financial Model which forecast ROE and IRR.   I hold an Undergraduate and Masters Degree in Applied Finance from Macquarie University.  I understand the Eleven Steps To Complete A Greenfield or Brownfield Infrastructure Project necessary to evidence a terms sheet or Information Memorandum for a new infrastructure project achieve 'Practical Completion' and commence 'Operations'.

The Addendum explains a Business Plan which I have expended 8 months researching and developing since retirement for a Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme ("YELP) to -

(i)         reduce the >$155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems which each impact Health and Lifestyle Behaviour; and

(ii)        encourage Australians to Materially Alter Lifestyle thereby accepting greater responsibility for their own health because future fiscal revenue will not sustain Baby Boomers at present health treatment levels without imposing a much larger tax impost on Gen X and Gen Y - one of the Fifteen Problems.

Fundamental to the Business Plan is utilising the specialist skills of a very narrow band of Australians, aged between 50 and 60 at discounted labour rates, who possess Eleven Sports Administration Attributes, thereby suited to be RECs, who would perform the Final Three Stages of Lifescripts'  Five Basic ‘Stages of Change’, in lieu of GPs.  The vast majority off GPs are not equipped to perform the Final Three Stages whereupon the economic cost upon Australia of negligent Lifestyle Behaviour is >$155b annually and spiralling

It is difficult to encourage patients to Materially Alter Lifestyle, by tapping back into the skills they learnt during Youthful Exuberance, to re-introduce regular, rigorous Challenging exercise, if the -

(i)         GP doesn't practice what he/she is trying, via Lifescripts, to preach;

(ii)        GP's appointment schedule doesn't allow several hours of assistance to direct the patient to requisite information and answer questions re the sport that the patient may wish to try out; and

(iii)       GP doesn't understand Recreational Exercise Activities, in particular how much fun and character building such exercise, within a LCCBSG is as it strengthens both mind and body.

Hence, some GPs may try to work through the Five Basic ‘Stages of Change with a patient suffering Obesity, Depression or abusing Recreational Drugs, whereupon the GP's Patient is enthused to re-introduce regular exercise.  However, there is no one that the GP can direct their patient to who understands the particular REA the GP's Patient is interested in pursuing, and who possesses -

*         Talk the Walk Motivational Skills; and

*         networking within their sport,

to readily channel the interested GP's Patient to a LDREG.

RECs with Eleven Sports Administration Attributes have performed these Final Three Stages more than a hundred times previously for their particular REA because they possess an infectious enthusiasm for the benefits of regular, rigorous, Challenging exercise.

Fundamental to YELP is recognising and accrediting Australians in the 4th Product Phase who are the fittest in the Age Division for both Abled and Disabled Category as a powerful motivation to continue their REA thereby addressing the below 5th Stage of Lifescripts  Five Basic ‘Stages of Change’:

       "5.    Over time, attempts to maintain the new behaviour occur (maintenance)"

If Governments want Australians to maintain a healthy Lifestyle Behaviour which leaves a small Personal Carbon Footprint, then accrediting those that are the best in their particular REA, such as competing annually in Age Divisions in individual time-trials up marvellous King of the Mountain Challenge Series mountains on the perimeters of our capital cities, will be a powerful and cost-effective motivational tool to treat the above 5th Stage of Lifescripts.

Last November the Business Plan Developer sent an earlier version of the enclosed YELP  Business Plan to Professor Anderson, CEO, NHMRC.  The response letter from Professor Anderson dated 13 Dec 2007 included "You will need to approach the NSW Department of Health directly.......I wish you well in your endeavours”.

The Business Plan Developer submitted his Business Plan to NSW Health and Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW) on 3 March 2008 because his Business Plan proposes the Pilot and Primary Research Programme be held in NSW because -


a)         vast majority of the Business Plan Developer's networking contacts, both within the corporate sector and cycling sports administration, are in NSW; and


b)         Two Legendary Endurance Cycling Challenges, which are integral to the 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot and 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme, are accessible to NSW residents.   However, it could be conducted in Victoria, Queensland and/or ACT.

Regular, rigorous, Challenging recreational exercise has been a big part of the Business Plan Developer's life, having completed two IronMan triathlons and many ocean swims, marathons etc.  These days I cycle approx 200km each week.  I have voluntarily maintained the below two bicycle websites for Recreational Road Cyclists for several years with no fees, charges or sponsorship because of the marvellous benefits of regular, rigorous, recreational exercise in the great outdoors within a LCCBSG:


The above two websites evidence that I have assisted during the last 12 years more than 300 different adults enjoy Recreational Road Cycling by being Ride Organiser for over 500  x  >100km day rides from a library of 36 different rides.  The lifestyle ethos in Tout le monde est heureux  -  Everybody's happy on the home page of acknowledges the merit of rigorous recreational exercise within a LCCBSG.  Every Sunday, and two days on long weekends a dozen or so Muggaccinos cyclists ride +100km different rides on lots of low traffic roads, with two or three 30 minute Nosh Stops, around the perimeter of Sydney.  I know several Administrators Of Bicycle Organisations And Organisers Of Bicycle Groups.  ""Cycling keeps the Black Dog on a chain"!!!"

I understand from a former Commonwealth Bank work colleague that regular, rigorous, Challenging recreational exercise is also integral to your lifestyle.  Hence, my reason for writing to you directly and providing 2 CD ROMs of the YELP Business Plan which auto-opens at this Letter to Secretary of the Department of Health and Ageing.

I have used my Project Development Expertise to set out the YELP Business Plan in the same thorough format that the likes of Macquarie Bank or Investec use to attract debt providers for new infrastructure projects.

My Business Plan explains the benefit to Brand Name of being one of 12 major Australian companies in a YELP SPV which will materially improve the productive output and QOL by 30 June 2009 of the Pilot Sample of 5,200 [50 + 150 + 5,000] Interested Adults for the 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot as the platform for the RTV Promotion to kick-start Propagation to diminish the Fifteen Problems which far outweigh -

*           $100k circa to be one of 12 Private Sector Equity Holders, for the 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot which incorporates the 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme; and

*           up to $650k circa to be one of 12 Private Sector Equity Holders for the Propagation Phase to end June 2016 evidencing 75,000 additional Participants to influence hundreds of thousands more Australians to follow suit.

My YELP Holistic First Business Plan undertakes the Business Plan Developer to source 12 Private Sector Equity Holders, drawn from Australia's largest companies, to fund 49.99% of the $19.4m YELP Budget under a PPP, with Return On YELP Capex Software to estimate the savings from the Fifteen Problems which the Business Plan Developer asserts will be immeasurably greater than the above forecast $19.4m four year YELP Budget

The Four Public Sector Equity Holders for each State or Territory would only fund 50.01% of YELP for their State or Territory, so the 12 Private Sector Equity Holders are up for a much larger contribution for the forecast $19.4m.

Snapshot Page To 10 Project Benchmark Techniques To Appraise Economic Merit Of YELP provides URLs to seven different benchmarking techniques to appraise the economic merit of the YELP Holistic First Business Plan.

As we both share a passion for the benefits of regular, rigorous, Challenging recreational exercise, I would be indebted if you could ask someone else in Department of Health and Ageing who similarly appreciates the physical and mental benefits of such exercise within a LCCBSG to write a critically review of my Business Plan to materially reduce >$155b annual cost of Fifteen Problems

As noted above, the Business Plan Developer -

(i)         doesn't believe that Lifescripts is the optimum vehicle to assist Interested Adults commence a REA as the annual cost of the Fifteen Problems from not incorporating regular rigorous exercise is spiralling; and

(ii)        believes that the very narrow band of 5,100 circa potential RECs across Australia aged between 50 and <60 with Eleven Sports Administration Attributes.

A 21½ Months Tenure Of Pilot involving 20 of these will establish this, by using Return On YELP Capex Software to estimate the savings from the Fifteen Problems


(a)        Is NOT about spending fiscal revenue.

(b)        Is about Interested Parties agreeing a detailed all embracing Business Plan during the Prototype  Phase which utilises -
*           specialist skills of RECs;

                         *           power of the Internet to provide e-Learning and e-Research Techniques for Interested Adults to be largely self-sufficient in learning requisite information for their REA; and

             *           RTV Promotion, to enable millions of Australians to evidence that they can reignite Youthful Exuberance to Materially Alter Lifestyle by introducing a REA with a LDREG with LCCBSG.

The Addendum inter alia describes the powerful precedent for YELP titled Marathon Challenge shown on American PBS television last October which proves the Hypothesis is a highly cost-effective treatment.

Yours sincerely   


Phil Johnston
Ride Organiser and President Muggaccinos Bicycle User Group
Director of KOMpm Pty Ltd