Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

A Template To Elevate The Motivational Incentive Of RTV means as explained in Point 2 in Five Influencing Factors, ATLSEIP will be A Template To Elevate The Motivational Incentive Of RTV -

*         from a simple and often predictable form of viewing entertainment for a narrower television audience "..... about weight loss, dancing, cooking or home renovating - none are 'world beating' Rocket Science."

*         to a powerful medium to deliver the Benefits Of Social Inclusion which attracts a much broader viewing audience that evidence how the Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model can assist the Socially Disadvantaged to Maximise Life Opportunities.  


Prove The Effectiveness And Viability Of The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model to establish a Template To Elevate The Motivational Incentive Of RTV is one of Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme.