First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Motivational Incentive or Motivational Incentive Of RTV means the first of Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives explained in -

A.         "Can Do It" RTV Promotion (under the Fifth Business Plan) running 12  x  60 min 'RTV Programmes' titled "I Can Do It" ; and

B.         RTV Promotion (under the YELP  First Business Plan),

          *           volunteer participants knowing that the results of their physical performance in a 'Case Study' in the Primary Research Programme; and

          *           health and fitness experts who supervise those volunteer participants knowing that their professionalism, efforts and commitment,

             will be featured on 'Reality Television' programmes, provides an enormous Motivational Incentive to those -

          *           participants, and

          *           health and fitness experts,

             to perform to their absolute utmost.

The fact that in the YELP  First Business Plan that ABC1 would telecast -

(i)         3 x 60 min episodes of  'Team YELP'  Triathlon Challenge (explained in ' Team YELP'  RTV Promotion); and

(ii)        3 x 60 min episodes of Hilly Rides Challenge RTV Promotion, pursuant to Content And Format Of ABC's "Hilly Rides Challenge",

will provide a material Motivational Incentive to each of the -

*           50 Volunteers in the 10 Months Tenure Of Primary Research Programme; and

*           150 ' Team YELP'  Participants in the 16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme respectively, and

*           the Pilot Delivery Team,

to perform to their absolute utmost.


The same Motivational Incentive will induce -

A)        the YELP Pilot Delivery Team and the health and fitness experts in the ICDI-HELP National Support Team to offer their services and involvement time in a 'Case Study' or research programme at below market charge-out rates; and

B)        Elite Adult Australian Sports Persons to provide their time, on a guest appearance basis, attending each of the 103 Designated Training Venues for each of the 52 (26 weekends x 2 days) Two Hour Weekly Training Sessions on Saturday Or Sunday Training Days during the 6 Months ICDI Training Programme across the Eight Major Australian Cities during the ICDI Launch Year to encourage Interested Overweight Or Obese Adults to Develop Running Skills, Fitness And Foster Fellowship.   

As explained in Section 16(j) of the YELP  First Business Plan, the prospect that PBS was producing a one hour documentary, Marathon Challenge, which would profile 13 volunteer interested adults in Boston, Massachusetts USA, who were leading Sedentary Lifestyles with varying ailments (eg. HIV, Type 1 Diabetes, Depression, post-divorce trauma, Obesity and post-fatality trauma) who accepted a challenging invitation from a Team Of Clinicians And Sports Therapists Supported By An RTV Producer to train together each Sunday over 9 months in order to successfully run the 2007 Boston Marathon, even though some of the 12 carried serious Achilles and other soft tissue injuries afterwards.

Similarly, the prospect that participants in television shows like The Biggest Loser and Dancing with the Stars, MasterChef and My Kitchen Rules know that their efforts, or lack of effort, will be on public display, on 'Reality Television', provides an enormous motivational incentive to the participants to want to perform to their utmost.

Section 15(b) of the First Business Plan titled 'Compete For Market Share' notes that -

a)         websites which display fervour and enthusiasm and incorporate 'Participant Personal Profiles' motivate enthusiasm, energy and bonhomie (eg Crew in and -

            *  which is a primary reason for ocean swimming materially increasing in popularity in recent years; and

            *  which has similarly encouraged more runners/joggers); and

b)         a highly professional, informative and passionate YELP Website, with all the bells, whistles and ribbons which appeal to humans from 1 to 100, will -

(i)         inform requisite information re 15 Recreational Exercise Activities (for the 21˝ Months Tenure Of Pilot) - the What, Where, When, Why, How and How Much, in addition to 'Risk Management' info, of participating in a Recreational Exercise Activity at one of 900+ LDREGs in the case of NSW in the case of NSW; and

(ii)        provide human interest stories and colourful Participant Personal Profile Pages similar to the +50 profiles available at Crew in of participants, many who have turned their lives around by stripping off excess body fat by reducing Recreational Drug Use.

Equally, Commit To And Complete An Annual Endurance Sporting Event(s) explains that when Participants in a LDRREG who commit to train together to complete a difficult future sporting event(s) "outside their familiar patch", which requires Commitment, Dedication And Discipline to build up a higher level of endurance, experience and expertise, then those Participants often ultimately achieve extraordinary feats and challenges, well beyond their bygone expectations.

Section 4.(e) contends that regularly achieving lofty cardiovascular Challenging sporting goals, within a LCCBSG, increases Self-esteem and hardens the resolve, thereby enhancing Coping Skills and Cognitive Development.