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' Team YELP'  Triathlon Challenge means, as explained in Section 16(g) and 'Team YELP'  RTV Promotion, 3 x 60 min RTV episodes, proposed for ABC1 national television to deliver a much more potent/powerful message of the benefits from training for and attempting an Annual Endurance Sporting Event - consistent with the Second Basic Component Of CBT - much less onerous than the Boston Marathon Challenge which PBS first transmitted on 30 October 2007 to 70 million circa Americans, and to more than 100 other countries. 


Section 16(g) explains the merit of deferring the Primary Research Programme by 12 months because the 1st Legendary Endurance Cycling Challenge is held in Canberra at end-Oct annually and it is now late March 2011, merit exists in a 16 Months Tenure Of Preparatory Research Programme for 150 'Team YELP'  Participants which involves separate 6 Months Training Schedules in 5 states and ACT to attempt one of  6 ' Team YELP'  State Triathlons in their capital city for the Six Reasons For Preparatory Research Programme.


The U.S. Boston Marathon Challenge showcased the power of the human spirit within their LCCBSG of 12 Team NOVA Boston volunteers, supported by exercise physiologists, nutritionists and a couple of seasoned athletes with Talk The Walk Motivational Skills to complete an exceedingly onerous physical challenge, notwithstanding adversities such as HIV, diabetes, Depression, divorce, Obesity, post-fatality trauma and age.  One female amongst the 12 volunteers, who ran the Boston Marathon, was 60 and grossly over-weight when she was selected.

The physical and mental demands on the 150 'Team YELP'  Participants in the 6 Months Training Schedule to complete the 'Team YELP'  Triathlon Challenge would be approx 40% of the demands on the 12 volunteers who completed Boston Marathon Challenge by running a marathon - 42km.  Hence, a 6 Months Training Schedule is ample, particularly as a feature of Boston Marathon Challenge, Hilly Rides Challenge and ' Team YELP'  Triathlon Challenge is the short time it takes to materially Improve Personal Health And Fitness.


Section 16(g) explains the 'Teams Entry Category' in the 10 ' Team YELP' Annual Endurance State Triathlons offers Unique Opportunities In Team Entry Annual Endurance Triathlons which 150 'Team YELP'  Participants, drawn pro rata from 5 States and ACT, to train for in the Preparatory Research Programme:

  1. No other RREA seems to offer a national series with 'Teams Entry Category'.

  2. 150 'Team YELP'  Participants could be drawn pro rata from 5 States and ACT to train for one of three disciplines (swimming, cycling, running) and form 50 teams to each tackle one of the ' Team YELP'  Triathlons after a 6 Month's Training Schedule

  3. Being part of a 3 person team creates small discrete LCCBSGs which provides a greater stimulus by volunteer participants to not want to let their team down.

With most of the 50 runners needing to run a 21km half marathon, and most of the 50 cyclists riding 90km, the Preparatory Research Programme would need to commence 6 months prior to each of the 'Triathlon Event Dates' listed in ' Team YELP'  Triathlons ie. the WA contingent of 21 'Team YELP'  Participants (from 150 'in toto') would need to commence their 6 Months Training Schedule on 13 Aug 2011.

Explained in Section 16(g), Preparatory Research Programme, Preparatory Research Programme Budget, 'Team YELP'  RTV Promotion, 'Team YELP'  Triathlon Challenge, Two "Deal Breaker" Purposes Of The Primary Research Programme, "Hilly Rides Challenge", Section 16(c) and Section 12.