Sunday, 28th Jan - Hornsby to Brooklyn and back - 46km - 5 riders
Sunday, 21st Jan '24 Ayres Rd, Nth St Ives to West Head and back - 44km - 3 riders Sunday, 15th Oct '23 Ayres Rd, Nth St Ives, Duffys Forest, then descent McCarrs Creek Rd to Flying Fox Cafe, Mona Vale. Return via Akuna Bay, Illawong Bay. 76km - 6 participants
Sunday, 8 Oct '23 - Hornsby, Galston Gorge, Berrilee, Berowra Water and return - 46km - 6 riders Speed was on over the 1st Leg via Galston Gorge to 1st Nosh Stop at Water Vista Cafe Berowra Waters, as evident on a few faces incl BankTeller. All except BankTeller reversed the route, adding a third climb, due to a serious motor bike accident 400m up Berowra Waters Rd (on the East side) that halted the punt for about 80 mins in toto.
Sunday, 6 Aug '23: - Hornsby to The Proud Toast Cafe, Cowan, returning via Kalkari Reserve - 40km
Sunday, 28 May '23 - Hornsby Carpark to Red Herring Cafe, Brooklyn Pier. Thence return. - 3 cyclists - 53.7km
Sunday, 9 Jan '22, Tallawong, Windsor, Richmond, up the nasty climb to Yarramundi Lookout, Springwood, Mitchells Pass, Penrith - 66km - 5 riders
Five Muggs attempting to appear cheerful at Windsor
Lots of recent rain falls in the Penrith Valley
Anti-C/W loop of Greater Sydney - 5 riders - lots of kilometres Eric aka PapaBear and Chris aka RecalcitrantBankTeller cycled 147km, including scaling the nasty last part of Kissing Point Rd. George aka Englishman perhaps a few less. BankTeller clocked The Ton after adding in cycling to Nth Sydney station and from Wynyard station over the Harbour Bridge, 'cause the trains on the Harbour Bridge were OFF. We wont be cycling the M2/M7 again midweek, albeit no 'close calls' yesterday. It will be mandatory on future Muggs' rides on the M2 and M7 to stop your bicycle (come to a HALT) immediately prior to each 'off-ramp', eg Windsor Rd, so as to enjoy unimpeded vision of when it is entirely safe to cross back onto the M2 or M7 from the off ramp, because you could be real dead, real fast without clear vision of approaching vehicles that expect cyclists to know better.
T'was a nice flattish ride 'til we hit the Yarramundi Mountain.
Click on 'Relive', then the Right Arrow therein, to view our BankTeller's above 96km route yesterday in a Google Earth video. Then click on: View interactive route > and move around the screen with your right mouse key, to evidence a further application of Google Earth
Our initial Sag Stop at Windsor on a coolish, occasionally dampish morn', especially thru Cornwallis.
Annual Sutherland to Wollongong New Year's Day ride - 5 cyclists
Sunday, 27 Sept - Hornsby via
Berowra Waters to Glenorie Chicken Shop. Thence return via Galston
Gorge to Hornsby - 52km - 7 riders.
Pete aka CampyAficinado wasn't going to stop
chomping on his whatever burger. Although
Bill aka Glasgow
and George aka
Englishman desisted sipping on their mild, legal drug, and
Eric aka PapaBear
managed to take a breath.
Six out of seven were in regulatory uniform Midweek ride - Thurs 1st Oct - Nth Wollongong up Mt. Kiera, along the ridge, down Mt. Kembla, returning to Nth Wollongong - 33km - 5 riders
Evident in the above image, the maximum gradient was 16.8 degrees shortly prior to the cafe. It claimed PapaBear and BankTeller who each walked about 110m
Click on 'Relive', then the Right Arrow therein, to view our Mt Kiera ascent 'n back in Google Earth. Then click on: View interactive route > to evidence a further application of Google Earth
On the Choo Choo to Nth Wollongong station
Jean took the above snap of BankTeller struggling twds the top.
Lots of snaps from Mt Kiera Lookout Cafe on a bonza, balmy day
Views of the South Coast from the Lookout, incl where we had started the ascent
Din dins at the full of history Mt Kembla Village Hotel was a popular pick Scribe 2 Oct '20 |
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