
Terry earned the moniker, Navigator, on one of his initial Muggs' rides around 2000 which ventured out West to Macarthur.   Bank Teller reckoned he'd ridden an anti-clockwise route commencing at Campbelltown, thence Narellan, Camden, Cobbitty, Oakdale, Picton, Menangle Park, and assured the Peloton he knew the route.   Shortly into the ride, upon arriving at a 'T' intersection out the back of Wop Wop, and seemingly being led into an abyss, Terry twigged that The Teller had his map upside down, and took over the Head Scout duties.  But based on the below pic, another epithet isn't far off.

Over recent years, Terry has been racing a lot on Sunday mornings at Eastern Creek etc.

Terry arrives back to our campsite after completing the 2007 200km Audax Alpine Classic in 10hr ?min

Dropping down Saddleback Mtn - circa Nov 2007