Grounds/Reasons for the Written Questions

Chapter 20.      Transactors accepting to no longer enjoy a Free Rider at Persistent Revolvers expense has no parallel in recent revolutions, "Occupation Movements" or civil unrest protests.  
and anti-establishment feelings that evidenced Donald Trump come from "a 100 to one outside", draw no
symmetries with Transactors accepting to start paying the operating cost of their Lines of Credit
The gap between rich and poor is widening and regulators are unwilling to act despite mounting empirical evidence
Courageous regulation is required by the Commonwealth Govt. and Australia's Three Financial Services Regulators that have a fundamental obligation to protect Australians that are vulnerable to Unconscionable Conduct Predatory Advertising and Usurious Interest Rates

Australians predominantly believe in the old Christian Commandment "Thou shall not steal".  The Catholic Pope is exhorting that we do something about "the new tyranny" that is "unfettered capitalism".   "Will Catholic bishops start talking about income inequality?"

Notwithstanding, enthusing Transactors will be a hard sell. Because many Australians do not practice what they preach if it will hit their hip pocket.

There are a lot of Australians that will say that interest rates on Credit Cards are way too high.  But few would be prepared to forego the perks they receive as Free Riders to enable Credit Card Issuers to reduce Purchase and Cash Advance interest rates and Late Payment Fees by as much as they should be.  Hence, courageous regulation is necessary by the Commonwealth Govt. and Australia's Three Financial Services Regulators that each a fundamental obligation to protect Australians that are vulnerable to Unconscionable Conduct,  Predatory Advertising and Usurious Interest Rates

Chapter 5 (above) sets out that Persistent Revolvers:

(i)         pay 17% Interest (average) on 100% of their Credit Card Debt Accruing Interest often on multiple Credit Cards, occasionally on aggregate outstanding debit balances that exceed $100,000 according to anecdotal evidence from Credit Card Distress Authorities which include Financial Counsellors;

(ii)        Forfeit Interest Free Period And Pay Interest On Each Purchase From The Purchase Date;

(iii)       pay Late Payment Fees and might pay Over-the-Limit Fees;

(iv)       experience Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress;

(v)        account for 38% circa of all Revolvers (Graph 7 therein);

(vi)       pay 80% circa of all Interest and Penalty Fees Revenue from Credit Card Products owned;

(vii)      account for 12.58% circa of Credit Cardholders (Revolvers = 33% of Credit Cardholders. Persistent Revolvers = 38% of Revolvers. 38% of 33% = 12.58% circa)

(viii)     hold 2,006,400 Credit Cards circa of the 16.1 million current Credit Cards in Australia;

(ix)      pay $5,471,110,000 in agg. Credit Card interest annually on 2,006,400 Credit Cards owned;

(x)       pay $2,727 circa of interest per Credit Card owned annually; and

(xi)      that own 10 Credit Cards pay $27,270 circa of interest annually.


Persistent Revolvers  Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress and foregone productivity is -

(A)        seen by Credit Card Distress Authorities 'first hand' week-in and week-out ; and

(B)        felt by the Dept of Social Services that pays fortnightly pension support for many Credit Cardholders that are no longer capable of "going to work" which may be funded for many years.



Four significant global upheavals that changed the status quo:

  1. When the natives get restless upheaval has happened!!! snapshots the 'Causes' and 'Effects' of six renowned national revolutions in the 20th century where a ruling honored minority was overthrown by a disgruntled majority that was feed up with being mistreated.

  2. Occupy Wall Street movements came to prominence in the Western world in 2011.  Mass gatherings occupied Wall Street and many other large investment and commercial bank H. O.s. in major U.S. cities and across Europe to protest against social and economic inequality, greed, corruption and the perceived undue influence of corporations on government. Occupy Wall Street was also a disadvantaged majority protesting against a privileged minority.

  3. Brexit unraveled sets out the plausible reasons why 51.9% of Britain and Northern Island voted in June 2016 to leave the European Union which surprised many in the rest of the world.  As Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has also evidenced, altruism for the plight of less fortunate Eastern European Nations didn't carry sway for long.

  4. Make America great again!!! explains how a successful business with no political pedigree, and questionable business and social ethics, surprisingly won a U.S. Presidential Election.  A majority of American voters showed themselves to be anti-establishment.

None of the four above significant upheavals/surprises bear any resemblance to Australians galvonising to solve the above (A) and (B) resultant problems due to 67% of Financially Literate Credit Cardholders, Transactors, paying nothing for enjoying the considerable benefits of their Revolving Line Of Credit thereby happily "stealing" from the 12.5% of Credit Cardholders that are Persistent Revolvers that are paying an average of $2,727 annually in penalty interest per Credit Card held - see (x) above with some Persistent Revolvers paying over $100,000 in Interest and Penalty Fees annually.


Transactors enjoy a Free Ride by not paying for each Purchase -

*        a transaction usage fee' - there were 225.7 million Credit Card and Charge Card transactions in Nov 2016 = 2.5 billion transactions annually; or

*        the interest cost for up to 55 days on those 2.5 billion transactions annually,

although Credit Card Issuers incur a cost for each Purchase and a cost for providing Revolving Line Of Credit for $52.463 billion in outstanding Credit Card and Charge Card outstanding balances


The World Economic Forum ("WEF") publishes a comprehensive series of reports which examine the broad range of global issues.  WEF seeks to address with stakeholders its mission to improve the state of the world.  The WEF's Global Risks Sixth Edition for their annual conference highlighted the below mega social trend with the potential to inject significant disruption into global systems: 

  • "Economic disparity and global governance failures both influence the evolution of many other global risks and inhibit our capacity to respond effectively to them".

The WEF's 2 min 'You Tube' re "Economic Disparity & Global Governance Failures" explains a resurgence in nationalism from the afore-mentioned  "Economic disparity and global governance failures ....."


New ACOSS report claims the gap between Australia's rich and poor is widening - 2015 - Australian's top earners (top 20 per cent of incomes) receive five times as much as those in the bottom 20 per cent.  They own a staggering 70 times the wealth of the bottom 20 per cent.  The Australian Council of Social Services' (ACOSS) chief executive, Dr. Cassandra Goldie, cited an ACOSS report that found 2.99 million Australians were living in poverty in 2014 She stated that this was "by any measure an indictment on a country as wealthy as Australia."

Government plays a crucial role in moderating income inequality - largely treating the 'effect', not the 'cause' as most of the income received from our social security safety net goes to the bottom 40% of households that own just 5% of all Australian wealth

Notwithstanding, that there is no global precedent to the majority of a nation agreeing to 'take some hurt' to assist a minority of the same nation, the Reserve Bank is beholden to inform the Commonwealth Government, pursuant to Section 50 of the Banking Act 1959, to re-regulate the maximum interest rate that may be charged on credit cards at 18% pa that the Reserve Bank of Australia deregulated in April 1985 - refer Chapter 5 above as a starting point, because removing that cap in 1985 has cost Persistent Revolvers enormously.



Chapter  21.

Summary Page re Written Questions and the Grounds/Reasons

Grounds/Reasons  (one document with 21 Chapters)

Grounds/Reasons  (21 separate Chapters)

Written Questions  (one document with Written Questions)

Written Questions  (Individual Written Questions)