Defined Terms and Documents       

Financially Educated or Financially Literate means Australians that have passed the Higher School Certificate and/or received effective mentoring from their parents, or other relatives/friends, as to the abhorrent pitfalls of Usurious Unsecured Personal Loan Interest Rates.

Numeracy And Literacy Range Of Australians explains that only slightly over half the Australian population possessing the minimum required numeracy and Financial Literacy skills at level 3 " meet the complex demands of everyday life and work in the emerging knowledge-based economy".  

Financially Educated Australians are ranked level 3, level 4 or level 5 in the -

*        Productivity Commission's Staff Working Paper Links Between Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Labour Market Outcomes dated Aug 2010;

*        Australian Bureau of Statistics' Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALLS) - 2006; and

*        Australian Bureau of Statistics' Survey of Aspects of Literacy (SAL) - 1996.



Australian Governments allocate $43.38 million annually to 44 Australian charities to provide financial counselling to Australians that are experiencing Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress

SMH Middle class hit by debt - Huge mortgage repayments and credit cards bills are taking their toll snapshots the problem that non-conflicted ‘Not-For-Profits’ (Salvation Army's Moneycare service Centacare, Anglicare, Lifeline, Wesley Mission's Credit Line, Smith Family, St Vincent de Paul's Budget and Financial Counselling Service,  Centacare ‘et al’) deal with the damage when families become hopelessly credit cards indebted.

The Wesley Report: Facing Financial Stress - April 2015 and SMH article "The creeping danger of Australian households' love affair with credit".

"When debt is easy to bank up"

AUSTRALIANS owe almost $50 billion on credit cards as spiralling living costs force them to put everyday expenses and even mortgage repayments on plastic.

5 ways credit card debt can be hazardous to your health.

Mental illness and Debt - The Good Shepard

Financial Literacy or Financial Literacy Skills

Financial Literacy Demographic Quintiles

Financial Literacy and Credit Cards: A Multi Campus Survey

Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians

Financial Stress