Grounds/Reasons for the Written Questions

Chapter 14.        Some Credit Card Issuers have engaged in Numeracy And Literacy Discrimination by inducing through Unconscionable Credit Card Advertising Australians with low Numeracy and Literacy Skills to pay for the revolving Lines of Credit enjoyed by the majority of Australians with high Numeracy and Literacy Skills.  Some of the discriminated Australians have experienced Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress

Some Credit Card Issuers that charge Usurious Unsecured Personal Loan Interest Rates have overtly presented newspaper, brochure and webpage advertisements of some Credit Card Products that conceal Material Interest And Fees in their advertising which prey upon Australians with only 'level 1' and 'level 2' Financial Literacy, known as Revolvers, whereupon this vulnerable demographic cohort contributes "The Lion's Share" of Interest And Fees Revenue whilst the Financially Educated Australians, Transactors, enjoy their Credit Cards Lines Of Credit as Free Riders.

Empirical evidence of Australians with low Numeracy and Literacy Skills -

(a)        has been gathered by the Productivity Commission's Staff Working Paper "Links Between Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Labour Market Outcomes" dated Aug 2010 and the Australian Bureau of Statistics PIAAC 2011-12 report which evidences that over 40% of Australians possess numeracy and literacy skills less that level 3; and

(b)        is explained in Foundation skills attainment.



Chapter  15.

Summary Page re Written Questions and the Grounds/Reasons

Grounds/Reasons  (one document with 21 Chapters)

Grounds/Reasons  (21 separate Chapters)

Written Questions  (one document with Written Questions)

Written Questions  (Individual Written Questions)