Defined Terms and Documents       

F     Foundation skills attainment by COAG

The National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD) includes four outcomes for the Council of Australian Government (COAG) vocational education and training (VET) reforms. The first outcome relates to foundation skills attainment — ‘the working age population has gaps in foundation skills levels reduced to enable effective educational, labour market and social participation’ (COAG 2008b, p. 5).

The framework used to assess the impacts and benefits of COAG initiatives is described in chapter 2. To assess the impacts of foundation skills-related reforms on employment, productivity, and broader economic, social and fiscal outcomes, the Commission has:

projected the profile of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills in the 25–64 year old population for the years 2011, 2015 and 2022, as a baseline for what might occur without the policy initiatives

estimated the impacts of changes in the LLN skills profile of the 25–64 year old population as a result of the policy initiatives

applied results from Shomos (2010) on the links between literacy and numeracy skills and labour market outcomes to estimate the effects that changes in the LLN skills profile of people aged 25–64 years might have on employment and productivity

estimated and discussed the broader social impacts of changes in the profile of LLN skills

estimated and discussed the potential occupation and partial fiscal effects of reforms.

An overview of foundation skills in the Australian population, including what they are, the current profile of these skills in the Australian working-age population, and a summary of foundation skills course delivery in presented in section F.1. Why governments might want to intervene to improve foundation skills is then discussed (section F.2), and foundation skills-related policy initiatives associated with the COAG reform agenda that are being assessed are summarised (section F.3). The baseline (section F.4) presents a skills profile and estimates of employment and productivity in the absence of the foundation skills policy initiatives considered.

This then provides a benchmark against which the effects of the policy initiatives can be measured. The realised, prospective and potential estimates of the impacts of reforms are then presented (sections F.5 and F.6). Section F.7 concludes.

The Commission has made many assumptions in estimating the impacts of the COAG reform agenda. These are detailed throughout the report. Sensitivity analysis undertaken indicates that those assumptions are critical. When the assumptions change, so do estimated changes in employment, productivity and broader economic activity, often quite markedly. The results, therefore, should be regarded as only broadly indicative of the possible impacts of the policy initiatives assessed. The estimates and analysis are intended to advance understanding of the scale of benefits that might accrue. The estimates presented are not forecasts of the economic or fiscal impacts of the reforms. Rather, they are illustrative projections, relative to a baseline, of the effects of the policy initiatives modelled.

F.1 Foundation skills in Australia

What are foundation skills?

There is no universally accepted definition of foundation skills. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) is currently developing the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults (NFSS) (discussed below). It is anticipated that the definition adopted by this strategy will include two components.

Skills described by the Australian Core Skills Framework1 — learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy. These are often referred to as LLN skills.

Employability skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organising, self-management, learning and technology (Roberts and Wignall 2010).

Consistent with the direction of the relevant NASWD outcome, this analysis will focus on ‘LLN skills’. The term LLN skills will be primarily used in place of foundation skills, unless discussion is focused on the broader definition, or others’ definitions of foundation skills.

1 The Australian Core Skills Framework provides a structure for measuring a person’s LLN skills (DEEWR 2008).


Australians’ LLN skills

The most recent data on the Australian population’s LLN skills comes from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALLS), conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) in 2006. This was the second survey of its type in Australia. The first was the 1996 Survey of Aspects of Literacy (SAL), also conducted by the ABS. The ALLS was part of a wider international study undertaken by Statistics Canada and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The Australian survey covered almost 10 000 people aged 15–74 years (ABS 2008a).

The survey measured LLN skills in five ‘domains’ (box F.1). Skills were measured on a continuous scale, with each individual being assigned a score between 0 and 500 for each domain. Higher scores indicated better skills. These scores were then grouped into five levels2, with level 1 being the lowest level of literacy. Level 3 is regarded as the ‘minimum required for individuals to meet the complex demands of everyday life and work in the emerging knowledge-based economy’ (ABS 2008a,

p. 5).

Box F.1 ALLS skill domains

Prose literacy — ability to understand and use information from various kinds of narrative texts, including texts from newspapers, magazines and brochures.

Document literacy — knowledge and skills required to locate and use information contained in various formats, including job applications, payroll forms, transportation schedules, maps, tables and charts.

Numeracy — knowledge and skills required to effectively manage and respond to the mathematical demands of diverse situations.

Problem solving — goal-directed thinking and action in situations for which no routine solution is available.

Health literacy — knowledge and skills required to understand and use information relating to health issues such as drugs and alcohol, disease prevention and treatment, safety and accident prevention, first aid, emergencies and staying healthy.

Source: ABS (2008a, p. 4).

LLN skill levels in 2006

In 2006, the proportion of the working-age population (15–64 years) who had LLN skills at levels 1 or 2, supposedly lower than the minimum required, was -

*        44 per cent for prose literacy and document literacy, and

*        50 per cent for numeracy (figure F.1).

The proportion at level 3 was 39 per cent for prose literacy, 37 per cent for document literacy and 33 per cent for numeracy.

This contrasts with other measures of LLN skills. The proportion of 15–19 year olds that achieve levels 1 or 2 in the ALLS (Adult Literacy and Life Skills) ranges from about 47 per cent for document literacy to about 57 per cent for numeracy (ABS 2008a). However, the 2009 National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), which measured students’ LLN skills at years 3, 5, 7 and 9, found that about 90 per cent of students achieved the national minimum standard in reading, writing and numeracy (CRC 2009). In addition, the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which assessed 15 year old students’ reading, mathematical and scientific literacy, found that about 86 per cent achieved level 2 in reading, considered the minimum level at which people can ‘actively participate in real life situations’ (Thomson et al. 2010, p. iv).

Figure F.1 Proportion of 15–64 year olds at each skill levela 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Per cent

Prose Document Numeracy Problem Solving Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4/5

a Levels 4 and 5 are grouped together due to the relatively small proportion of people at level 5, which results in unreliable estimates of the number of people at this level.

Source: ABS (2008a).

The different results could be due to the different age groups tested and performance benchmarks employed in each survey. While the ALLS (Adult Literacy and Life Skills) measures the proportion of the working-age population with a ‘proficient standard’ of literacy and numeracy to effectively participate in society, the NAPLAN measures student performance in meeting the ‘minimum standards’ of literacy and numeracy (CRC 2009). The PISA defines level 2 as the level at which ‘students begin to demonstrate the reading literacy competencies that will enable them to actively participate in real life situations’ (Thomson et al. 2010, p. iv).

Many individuals with low measured LLN skills already have good labour market outcomes. For example, about 40 per cent of people who achieve level 1 or 2 in prose literacy are employed. And as discussed in section F.2, improving LLN skills can improve labour market outcomes.

How have Australians’ LLN skills changed over time?

Australians’ LLN skills appear to have improved over time. Two domains in the 2006 ALLS, prose and document literacy, are directly comparable with results from the 1996 SAL. Between 1996 and 2006 there was a small, statistically significant decrease in the proportion of people aged 15–74 years at level 1 in prose literacy (from 20 per cent to 17 per cent) and document literacy (from 20 per cent to 18 per cent). While the proportions of individuals at other document literacy levels did not significantly change, the proportion of individuals at levels 2 and 3 in prose literacy increased.

LLN skill levels are correlated

The performance of individuals in different LLN skill domains was highly correlated. For example, about 70 per cent of the population recorded the same level of document literacy and numeracy skills (table F.1). Table F.1 Correlation between document literacy and numeracy Per cent of population


Document literacy

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4/5


Level 1






Level 2






Level 3






Level 4/5












Source: Shomos (2010).

Correlates of LLN skills

LLN skill levels differed between males and females in the ALLS. Males did better on the numeracy and document literacy domains, while females did better on the prose literacy domain (ABS 2008a).


LLN skills generally decreased with age. A higher proportion of people in older age groups attained scores below level 3. The exception to this was the 15–19 years age group, which tended to achieve lower scores than the 20–24 years age group. This could be due to a large proportion of the younger age group still studying and potentially improving their LLN skills. The decline in skill levels with age could reflect labour force withdrawal, differences in the quality of education over time, or higher education levels among younger cohorts (Shomos 2010).

A strong association existed between educational attainment and LLN levels. This held for both the years of formal education completed, and the level of education attained. This association increased at a decreasing rate, indicating that the returns to education in terms of LLN skills developed are relatively higher at lower levels, and less years, of education (Shomos 2010).

Foundation skills courses and delivery

Post-school foundation skills training is delivered through the VET and Adult Community Education sectors, and through Australian Government-funded projects. Training delivered through the VET sector can be either stand-alone, where the courses focus solely on foundation skills, or embedded in other vocational training. Box F.2 provides examples of foundation skills-related courses. This analysis will focus on the impacts of reforms that affect engagement in courses that are foundation skills-focused.

Foundation skills delivery appears to comprise a significant proportion of publicly funded VET activity. In 2008, students undertaking general education programs (which include language, literacy and learning programs and school equivalence qualifications for adults) accounted for 12 per cent of students undertaking publicly funded VET studies nationally, ranging from 4 per cent in Tasmania to 21 per cent in Queensland (Roberts and Wignall 2010). However, it is unclear what proportion of this relates specifically to LLN training. In Victoria, foundation level training accounted for about 7 per cent of total government funded VET enrolments in 2010 (Skills Victoria 2011c).

Along with the current VET reform activity in many States and Territories, there are two projects underway that could significantly change foundation skills training delivery: the development of the NFSS and the development of a foundation skills training package.


Box F.2 Examples of foundation skills courses

Adult Community Education sector courses

Speaking English clearly Statements of attainment in foundation and vocational education Numeracy and literacy for special needs clients

Australian Government-funded programs

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program Workplace English Language and Literacy program Adult Migrant English Program

VET sector courses

Course in Initial General Education for Adults Course in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Course in Foundation Studies Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy Certificates I–II in Introduction to Vocational Education Certificates I–IV in Spoken and Written English Certificates I–III in General Education for Adults Sources: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) (sub. V1); Roberts and Wignall


The development of the NFSS is in response to the ALLS finding that a relatively high proportion of the population have poor LLN skills. The Australian Government, working with State and Territory governments, is developing the strategy for implementation in early 2012. It will include a target ‘that by 2022, two thirds of working age Australians will have literacy and numeracy skills at Level 3 or above’ (SCOTESE 2011, p.1).

Innovation and Business Skills Australia has commissioned TAFE NSW and TAFE SA to develop a foundation skills training package containing qualifications at the Australian Qualifications Framework Certificate I and II levels. This is expected to be completed in June 2012 (IBSA 2011).

F.2 Why might governments intervene to improve LLN skills?

Improving LLN skills can have a range of benefits, both for the individual and external benefits for others, such as employers. The potential benefits, and whether or not governments should intervene to improve skills, are discussed below.

Benefits of increasing LLN skills

Benefits to individuals

Higher-level LLN skills are associated with better employment outcomes. Shomos (2010), using ALLS data, estimated that an improvement in literacy and numeracy skills from level 1 to 3 would:

increase the likelihood of labour force participation by about 15 percentage points for women and 5 percentage points for men

increase hourly wages by about 25 and 30 per cent for women and men, respectively.

Barrett (2012), using the same data as Shomos (2010), estimated the mean return to an additional year of education to be 6.2 per cent, with almost one third of this possibly being attributable to the acquisition of cognitive skills.

As mentioned in section F.1, LLN skills also appear to be linked to educational attainment.

LLN skills are linked to social inclusion. A study of the social capital outcomes attained from undertaking literacy and numeracy courses found that about one third of participants reported that the training improved their ability to engage or interact with a social network (Balatti, Black and Falk 2006).

Better LLN skills have also been linked with improved health outcomes. Bynner and Parsons (2006) reported a correlation between poor basic skills and poor physical health and mental wellbeing. Poor skills were related to poor health-related practices, such as lack of exercise and smoking. It was also concluded that improving literacy levels might lead to better health literacy.


Benefits to others

Improving parents’ LLN skills might significantly impact their children’s outcomes. Canadian research has shown that parents who undertake LLN training become more active in their children’s education (The Conference Board of Canada 2002, 2005, cited in Skills Australia 2010). Studies have also found that students’ test performance is related to their parents’ employment and educational attainment, and that a person’s wage is linked to his or her parents’ wage levels. This relationship could be partly due to LLN skills (DEEWR 2011c).

Improving the LLN skills of employees could also benefit businesses. The Australian Industry Group (2008, 2010) found that a large proportion of employees do not have adequate LLN skills to effectively operate in the workplace. This impacted negatively on productivity, workplace safety and competitiveness.

The relationship between LLN skills and social inclusion has benefits for others. UK studies have found those with poor LLN skills were significantly less interested in politics, less likely to vote and less likely to trust people in their area. Those with good LLN skills were four times more likely to be a member of a social or community organisation (Dugdale and Clark 2008). Studies have also found that people with poor literacy skills are disproportionately represented in prisons (Dawe 2007; KPMG 2006).

Why should government intervene?

Although there are benefits from increasing LLN skills, this is not a sufficient reason for governments to intervene. Governments might intervene for equity reasons, or if a substantial distortion exists (such as a market failure or a distortion due to previous government intervention). To maximise net social welfare, the intervention chosen must address the distortion, have the largest net social benefit of all possible interventions, and the benefits of intervening must outweigh the costs. More information on arguments for government intervention in the VET sector can be found in chapter 2.

There is an equity argument for government intervention in education markets to support LLN skills attainment. People with low LLN skills are more likely to come from disadvantaged backgrounds than those with good skills, and are less likely to be employed (ABS 2008a).

There also appear to be positive externalities associated with increasing LLN skills. As discussed above, increasing foundation skills might confer benefits on children, businesses and other employees, and the broader community.

Incomplete information could be a greater problem for potential LLN students relative to VET students more broadly. People who might benefit from foundation skills courses are likely to have, on average, lower ability than the average VET student. As a result, they might be more vulnerable to misleading information, or have less understanding of the long-term benefits of undertaking LLN training.

F.3 Foundation skills reforms assessed

As identified in the terms of reference and the letter of direction, the focus of this study is on reforms to the VET and youth transitions areas under the COAG reform agenda. This includes the Victorian reforms under Securing Jobs for Your Future (Victorian Government 2008) and the South Australian reforms under Skills for All (Government of South Australia 2011). In addition, as mentioned in chapter 1, the Commission has also assessed funding in the 2010-11 and 2011-12 budgets for the Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (LLNP) and Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) program as they are measures that support the COAG reforms. The potential effects of the forthcoming NFSS are also assessed.

Securing Jobs for Your Future

The reforms to the Victorian VET system that directly influence foundation skills training include: the Victorian Training Guarantee changes to the tuition fees structure.

Under the Victorian Training Guarantee, access to foundation skills courses is unlimited, regardless of age or previous qualifications (Skills Victoria 2011b). The training guarantee for foundation skills courses was first implemented in January 2010 for students aged 15–24 years, and was extended to all age groups in January 2011.

The tuition fee structure for foundation skills courses changed in July 2009. The Victorian Government contribution increased and now averages 90 per cent of total fees. The minimum and maximum yearly fees were reduced to $50 and $500, respectively (Victorian Government 2008).

Since these reforms have been implemented, the number of people undertaking government-funded foundation skills training has increased. For example, government-subsidised foundation level enrolments increased 67 per cent between the third quarter of 2010 and the third quarter of 2011 (Skills Victoria 2011c).


Skills for All

The reforms to the South Australian VET system that directly influence foundation skills training include:

access to a government funded training place for people aged 16 years or over. The subsidy amount will be linked to the level and type of qualification sought. Certificate I and II qualifications, including many of the foundation skills courses, are fully funded

investment of $6.4 million over six years in the Adult Community Education sector for an additional 6000 foundation skills-related training places

(Government of South Australia 2011).

These reforms are to be implemented from mid-2012. They are expected to result in 100 000 additional training places over six years. Of these, 11 000 are expected to be at foundation and Certificate I levels (Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology, South Australia, sub. DR-V7).

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program

The LLNP is an Australian Government funded program overseen by DEEWR. The program aims to improve unemployed people’s LLN skills, with the expectation this will help them participate in training and employment. The program provides up to 800 hours (in blocks of 200 hours) of free training for job seekers whose LLN skills are below those considered necessary to participate in employment, education or training (DEEWR 2011a). It is estimated that about 390 000 unemployed people have LLN skills below the level required in the workplace (Skills Australia 2010).

The LLNP is targeted at disadvantaged client groups, such as Indigenous people, young males, people with disabilities, isolated female job seekers and those excluded from the workforce based on their age (NCVER 2011d). Participants must be referred to an LLNP provider by Centrelink, a Job Services Australia provider or a Disability Employment Services provider (DEEWR 2011a). LLNP providers then assess the LLN skills of clients against the Australian Core Skills Framework to determine their needs and suitability for the LLNP (DHS 2011). Training is generally undertaken in certificate-level courses such as those listed in box F.2 (Roberts and Wignall 2010).

As of 2010, the program was assisting about 18 500 jobseekers annually (Roberts and Wignall 2010). Funding for the provision of more LLNP places was provided in the 2010-11 and 2011-12 Australian Government budgets.

2010-11: the Government allocated $67.0 million over four years to fund approximately 13 570 additional places (Australian Government 2010a).

2011-12: the Government allocated $143.1 million over four years to fund approximately 30 000 additional places (Australian Government 2011).

Workplace English Language and Literacy program

The WELL program is an Australian Government funded program overseen by DEEWR. The program aims to assist employers with training workers in English language, literacy and numeracy skills. Funding is allocated on a competitive grants basis (DEEWR 2011e). Businesses are required to contribute at least 25 per cent in the first year, and 50 per cent in the second and third years, to the cost of WELL provision (NCVER 2011d). As of 2010, about 12 000 employees were undertaking the WELL program annually (Roberts and Wignall 2010). Funding for the provision of more WELL program places was provided in the 2010-11 and 2011-12 Australian Government budgets.

2010-11: the Government allocated $15.7 million over four years to fund approximately 9500 additional places (Australian Government 2010a).

2011-12: the Government allocated $20.0 million over four years to fund approximately 13 000 additional places (Australian Government 2011).

National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults

The Australian Government announced the development of the NFSS in the 2010-11 Budget (Australian Government 2010a). As discussed in section F.1, this includes a target of two thirds of working age Australians having LLN skills at level 3 or above by 2022 (SCOTESE 2011).

F.4 Baseline

Even without policy initiatives designed to improve foundation skills, the LLN skills profile of the population is expected to improve due to increases in educational attainment (chapter 3). This section presents the skills profile, employment and productivity under the baseline, from which changes resulting from policy initiatives can be measured.


LLN skills profile

To project the profile of LLN skills in the population over time without reform, it is assumed that changes in LLN skills in the adult population are primarily driven by changes in education, age and gender composition. This approach is supported by the results of the ALLS (section F.1).

Projections of the education profile of 25–64 year olds for 2015 and 2030, by gender and age group, are taken from the Commission research paper Potential Benefits of the National Reform Agenda (PC 2006), which used 2005 as its base year. Education profiles for 2008, 2011 and 2022 are derived from these projections using average yearly changes in the profiles between 2005 and 2015, and 2015 and 2030, respectively.

These estimates, along with population projections from the Commission’s Modified Demographic and Economic Model (MoDEM 2.0), and the distribution of LLN skills in 2006 by gender, age and educational attainment from the ALLS, are used to project the future LLN skills profiles. The variable used to measure LLN skills is a combination of document literacy, prose literacy and numeracy skills, as used by Shomos (2010). The projected LLN skills profiles are for people aged 25–64 years, which is also consistent with Shomos (2010).

The LLN skills profile of the population is expected to improve over time, even without reform (table F.2 and figure F.2). This is due to large expected increases in educational attainment. For example, the Commission projected that over the period 2005 to 2022, the proportion of females aged 25–34 years who have a degree would increase from 29 per cent to 46 per cent.
Table F.2
Projected baseline LLN skills profile of 25–64 year oldsa Per cent









Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4/5


13.5 27.2 38.3 21.0

12.3 25.8 38.7 23.2

16.7 29.0 39.6 14.7

16.1 28.4 39.9 15.6

14.1 26.9 41.0 18.0


a The LLN skills measure is a combination of document literacy, prose literacy and numeracy skills. Source: Productivity Commission estimates based on ALLS, MoDEM 2.0 and PC (2006).

Figure F.2 Proportion of 25–64 year olds at LLN skill level 1 over time

Baseline projections 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Per cent

2008 2011 2022 Men Women

Source: Productivity Commission estimates based on ALLS, MoDEM 2.0 and PC (2006).

Changes in employment and productivity in the baseline

Results from Shomos (2010) are used to estimate the impact of changes in the LLN skills of 25–64 year olds on employment and productivity. Shomos used ALLS data and multivariate econometric models to estimate the effect of improving literacy and numeracy skills on the probability of labour force participation and on wages.

As mentioned earlier, the LLN variable used by Shomos (2010) is the combination of document literacy, prose literacy and numeracy. Participation in the labour force is measured as those employed or unemployed, and wages are the hourly wage in a person’s main job. Wages are used as a measure of productivity, based on the assumption that workers are paid the value of their marginal product (chapter 2).

Table F.3 presents the marginal effects of increasing literacy and numeracy skills on participation and wages, relative to level 1, as estimated by Shomos (2010). These results suggest, for example, that if the skill level of a man increased from level 1 to level 2, his probability of participating in the workforce would increase by

3.7 percentage points and his wage would increase by 17.9 per cent, on average.

218 IMPACTS OF COAG REFORMS – VET Table F.3 Marginal effects of increasing literacy and numeracy skills on participation and wages relative to level 1







Level 2 Level 3 Level 4/5

ppt 3.69*** 4.67*** 6.16***

ppt 11.03*** 15.17*** 15.25***

% 17.92*** 32.13*** 54.25***

% 13.82** 23.19*** 34.97***