Defined Terms and Documents       

Material Interest And Fees means Eligible Plaintiffs from amongst Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians who  -

I.           have paid Usurious Unsecured Personal Loan Interest Rates using multiple Credit Card Products and have contributed Interest And Fees Revenue which exceeds $5,000 in any continuous three year period at a Comparison Rate Over 20% Per Annum; and

II.          have experienced Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress.


SMH "Middle class hit by debt - Huge mortgage repayments and credit cards bills are taking their toll" snapshots the problem that non-conflicted ‘Not-For-Profits’ (Salvation Army's Moneycare service Centacare, Anglicare, Lifeline, Wesley Mission's Credit Line, Smith Family, St Vincent de Paul's Budget and Financial Counselling Service,  Centacare ‘et al’) deal with the damage when families become hopelessly credit cards indebted.

Australian Governments allocate $43 million annually to 44 Australian charities to provide financial counselling to Australians That Are Experiencing Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress.