Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Four Proposed RTV Programmes Will Materially Enhance Brand Name Of Ten Corporate Sponsors means the Jawun Model (established in 2001 under the guidance of Patron Noel Pearson) evidences 29 or more Secondment Partners (drawn from Australia's largest banks, law firms, accounting firms, insurance, corporate and government agencies) travel to one or more of the nine Regions to work on specific development programmes with local indigenous Australians for up to 2 months each year.

Powerful Phenomenon that is Reality TV -  Competing against other participants has always underpinned RTV chronicles the enormous growth in RTV in USA and Australia which, to date, has not delved into tackling the unique challenges associated with assisting the Disadvantaged and/or Disabled.


The below extract from Motivational Incentive of RTV highlights the enormous motivational incentive of competitors appearing on national RTV which similarly can be utilised to marshal Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues keen to continue to apply their Project Development Expertise and bring Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives to assist Socially Disadvantaged Australians, and enable CEO's of Ten Corporate Sponsors to display Corporate Social Responsibility which enhances Brand Name:  

"The Biggest Loser, The Block, Dancing with the Stars, MasterChef and My Kitchen Rules are contests about weight loss, renovating, dancing or cooking.  None are 'world beating' Rocket Science.  However, the awareness that the contestants know that their efforts, or lack of effort, will be on public display, on 'Reality Television', provides an enormous Motivational Incentive or fillip to the contestants, and all associated with the particular RTV programme, to want to perform to their utmost."

See Public Relations Bonanza For Ten Corporate Sponsors.

See Four Proposed RTV Programmes Would Not Threaten Brand Name Of The 'Various Parties'