Defined Terms and Documents 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme Salt and Fat Dependence In Fast Foods And High Caffeine Drinks means one of Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers that Life Skills Guardians, as one of the Cross Section Of Mentors, supported by a few Sporting Role Models, will alert Ten Regional Township Teams of the impact and devastation upon Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases - explained at clause b) in Six Mentor Guidance Topics For Ten Regional Township Teams. First World Countries, particularly in lower socio-economic and country regions, are consuming - (i) materially more salt and fatty foods than over 100 million Homo sapiens traditional diets over their 125,000 years occupation of 'terra firma', which is resulting in 'inter alia' debilitating Type 2 Diabetes and its associated painful consequences, including loss of sight and removal of a limb(s). (ii) excessive intake of caffeine causes a dependence on caffeine and resulting in more erratic behaviour. Positive Stressors notes that for all but the last scintilla of Homo sapiens 125,000 years tenure on 'terra firma', Homo sapiens had a diet of one type of meat, two or three vegetables and two or three fruits - generally prepared the same 'local way' day after day - many survived on fish or rice. There were no refrigerators, supermarkets or motor cars to take the plentiful foods sourced from a plethora of cultures home which are available today (ie. Chinese, Thai, Mediterranean, French, Italian, Greek, Lebanese 'et al'). Hence, it was not as easy for a human to over eat relative to their fuel requirements. Due to the Western World's patent wealth and food transportation capabilities, this is no longer the case. Many humans are consuming far more fuel than their bodies require with resultant Type 2 Diabetes because of the diverse array of foods available relative to what our Homo sapiens ancestors enjoyed, and what many Africans presently do not enjoy. Combating Life's Negative Stressors With Regular Positive Stressors explains the merits of regular rigorous physical exercise, preferably within a Local Community Common Bond Support Group, which 'inter alia' burns calories.
Two Life Skills Guardians, as one of the Eleven Mentoring Roles, supported by one Sporting Role Model, will visit each of the Ten Regional Township Teams to run an On-Site Workshop over 3 Mentor Days which explain the impact and devastation upon Australians under 25 of Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers which includes Salt and Fat Dependence In Fast Foods And High Caffeine Drinks, as explained at clause b) in Six Mentor Guidance Topics For Ten Regional Township Teams. |