Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates Amongst Drivers Under 25 means learning from Heads Of Intensive Care Units who would provide 'first hand' accounts of the devastation upon the lives of young Australians, too often due to speed and/or alcohol, supported 'in situ' by the supportive words of a few Sporting Role Models, of the following abnormal fatality rates and also witnessing graphic photos, footage of bad accidents and meeting and hearing from -

a)          the relatives of young fatalities; and

b)          severely maimed survivors,
from videos on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website.


Road Policing Statistics - Australia

  • During the 12 months ended December 2011 there were 1,292 deaths on Australian roads.

  • The 17–25 age group has the largest rate of fatalities per population. It accounts for 13 per cent of the population, but 25 per cent of deaths. Hence, almost twice of many from this age group die each year on Australian roads
  • Between Jan 2009 and Dec 2010, 47.4% of the fatal crashes occurred at speeds over 100km/h (Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics, 2011).
  • Illegal or inappropriate speeds are major contributing factors in about 34 per cent of Australian road deaths and 13 per cent of serious injuries (Australian Transport Council, n.d.).
  • Motorcyclists are heavily over-represented in serious crash statistics. They make up 17 per cent of all road deaths, and 22 per cent of total serious injuries (Australian Transport Council, n.d.). 
  • Certain behavioural factors continue to be implicated in many serious casualty crashes. For all fatalities speeding accounts for 34%, drink driving 30%, drug driving 7%, restraint non-use 20% and fatigue 20-30%. For all serious injuries speeding accounts for 13 per cent, drink driving 9%, drug driving 2%, restraint non-use 4 % and fatigue 8% (Australian Transport Council, n.d.).

Motor Vehicle Fatality Rates Amongst Drivers Under 25 is the final of Four Nasty Pitfalls Besetting Teenagers that Life Skills Guardians, as one of the Cross Section Of Mentors, supported by a few Sporting Role Models, will alert Ten Regional Township Teams of the impact and devastation.