Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Four  Benefits Of Seconding 1  x  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employee From Each Of Ten Corporate Sponsors means Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees explains that:

  1. 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students spread across the Ten Regional Township Teams would relate to, and therefore benefit more so, from a sportsperson aged between 20 and 40 years old who is a whiz at the particular Mixed Teams Sport and effortlessly displays that skill which should enthuse the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students to emulate the Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees' skills.

  2. A marvellous 'career development experience' for each of the 10  x  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees to meet and assist the 140 Accepted Year 9 Aboriginal Students by visiting either three or four of the Six Regional Townships and gain a glimpse of living conditions for a minority of Socially Disadvantaged "Unlucky Australians".

  3. Utilising 10  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees augments the Thirteen Deliverables From 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme, in particular Prove The Effectiveness And Viability Of The Private Sector Philanthropic Administrator Model, by demonstrating the Complimentary Low Cost Initiatives provided by the Ten Corporate Sponsors by drawing upon the specialist skills of younger employees who are 'guns' at one or more of the Three Mixed Teams Sports in the first of the Three Motivational Teams Challenges importantly bringing youth and vitality, as Gatekeepers no longer possess required agility.

  4. Utilising 10  x  Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees for 6  x  Gatekeepers will reduce the load in the First RTV Year on the Thirty Philanthropic Elder Colleagues, known as Wise Old Owls, thereby facilitating -

          *             an increase in the number of Employee Elder Colleagues from 10 to 15 who, with Retired Elder Colleagues, would perform an Administrative role; and

          *             a reduction in the number of Retired Elder Colleagues from 20 to 15 who would perform one or more of the Eleven Mentoring Roles as Gatekeepers.

Younger Indigenous Corporate Sponsor Sports Employees is one of the Eleven Mentor Roles.