First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Encouraging An Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model or Encourage An Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model means -

(a)        sporting clubs/organisations/administrations throughout Australia largely deliver their sports and recreational exercise activities on a piecemeal basis, as there are very few templates or business models for developing and administering a sporting organisation;

(b)        very few administrators understand the legal liability under the Civil Liability Acts enacted in 2002 in each Australian state and territory and the associated obligation to Provide A Risk Warning in any invitation to a member(s) of the public to participate in a Recreational Activity which involves Risks Of Harms; and

(c)        the YELP  SPV would encourage Organisers in hundreds of existing and new LDREGs to apply the same uniform rationale that Dick and Mac McDonald employed when franchising hamburger stores from the mid-50s, namely to consistently incorporate all the optimum features that Participants are attracted to in a LDREG, known as the Optimum, Uniform Delivery Model, at existing and new LDREGs, not limited to -

            (i)         market/promote REAs, in particular RREAs, as Fun & Addictive;

            (ii)        develop and maintain a LCCBSG;

            (iii)       encourage -

                         (a)        Community Support Providers who contribute towards a Social Theme integral to a LCCBSG;

                         (b)        Abled Participant Assistants who provide tangible assistance to Disabled and Disadvantaged and are fundamental to fostering a Sense Of Community;

                         (c)        Fit Old Farts,

                         who may be recognised at Annual Presentation Awards Dinners; and

(d)        ensure that Organisers possess Liability Risk Management Acumen and observe Risk Management Protocols to mitigate 'inter alia'  trauma accidents and associated Health Care Costs, productivity losses, diminished QOL and emotional strain.

See also Section 20 Sculpture and 6th of Twelve Low Cost Propagation Initiatives.