Letter to Adele Ferguson 5 Oct 2019      Defined Terms and Documents  

4.       400,000 circa Credit Cardholders with Poor Numeracy and Literacy Capacity, often through no fault of their own, have paid a frightful price because of Unconscionable Credit Card interest rates, Predatory Marketing and Numeracy And Literacy Targeting 


As detailed in the Writer's Submission to Maurice Blackburn dated 25 June 2017 seeking a Class Action against the RBA for breach of its Statutory Duty and Fiduciary Duty, 400,000 circa Credit Cardholders across Australia -

a)        have paid in excess of $20,000 each in Interest and Penalty Fees (charged at Usurious Interest Rates) during up to a continuous nine years period at an average Comparison Rate Over 18% Per Annum;

b)        were misled by Predatory Advertising Targeted At Credit Cardholders With Low Financial Literacy Capacity that constitutes Unconscionable Conduct;

c)        have suffered Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress; and

d)        posses poor Financial Literacy Capacity (predominantly Level 1 or below, and some Level 2) as -

           (i)      identified and quantified by the Productivity Commission, the ABS and ASIC separate written reports (Chapter 1); and

           (ii)      evidenced on a daily basis by 500 circa Financial Counsellors employed by 44 charities/community organisations that collectively receive $43 million annually from the Commonwealth Govt. ($20m) and the State Govts ($23m) via Financial Counselling Australia (Chapter 7).

Hardly a month goes by without another newspaper article, or report by ASIC, the Reserve Bank or a plea from a Credit Card Distress Authority, regarding the debt burden born by a small number of Credit Cardholders, invariably with Poor Numeracy and Literacy Skills that the RBA has referred to as Persistent Revolvers.  Meanwhile two thirds of Credit Cardholders, described by the RBA as Transactors, enjoy their Lines of Credit a virtually no cost, because Annual Cardholder Fees account for only 2% of Interest And Penalty Fees Revenue


Is Australia really an egalitarian country?  Five Prime Ministers have talked it, but our Federal Govt hasn't walked it, obligated under Section 51 (xiii) of the Australian Constitution, to the detriment of Financially Uneducated And Vulnerable Australians that possess, through no fault of their own, poor Financial Literacy Skills; some Credit Card Issuers have deployed Predatory Advertising and charged Usurious Interest Rates and Penalty Fees, Targeted At Credit Cardholders With Low Financial Literacy Capacity.


St Vincent de Paul, Salvos, Anglicare et al provide a welter of Financial Counsellors where Credit Card Debt Accruing Interest, often spread over several Credit Cards, is invariably the root of Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress Australian Governments allocate $43.38 million annually to 44 Australian charities to provide financial counselling to Australians that are experiencing Extreme Financial And Emotional Distress National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that provides professional counsellors to help Australians tackle their debt problems.