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             Cycle with a Green Team

Cause celebre et esprit de corps:

A joie de vivre feeling warm fuzzies on a Sunday:                                              Green Is Clean!!!

(a)       Pushing pedals on lower traffic roads on outskirts of Sydney.

 (b)       Caffeine fixes with illy, Lavazza, Mokador, Segafredo, Vittoria 'et al' coffee at the prettiest satellite outposts surrounding Sydney.

 (c)       No fees or charges.

 (d)       Social intercourse with a crew of self-depreciating reprobates, Gung-hos and misfits who don’t take ‘emselve's seriously. 
Come Sunday, we're all equal, 'cause o
n a 'Pushie' there ain't no rank.



Double click pic  

Double click pic

Raison d’être:


Commenced by a handful of nurses and a doctor from RNSH 25 years ago as a remedy to wake-up sober on Sunday morn'.

Les different types de route pour bicyclettes:  



A hilly Sunday road ride on la bicyclette, 'cause "Hills are your Friends", between 100km and 120km each Sunday to breath fresh air, soak up the scenery and view wildlife, with an alternative/shorter starting point, with less hills, to the same caffeine fix stop(s), enabling 55km to 75km rides.

Over last three northern Summers, Muggs riders have participated in a agg of 49 days of serious hill climbing in French Alps in 'Tour de Conquer 2012' and 'Tour de Conquer 2013' and Italian Alps (Dolomites and Ortlers) in 'Tour de Conquer 2014'.  The toughest climbs have been Stelvio Passo from Prad with 48 switchback over 26km and the joint Cols climbs up Le Telegraph and Galibier from St Jean de Maurienne.  Alpe d'Heuz and Mont Ventoux are Easy Peasy.  Cycling over Croix de Fer from our 1st Base Camp at St Jean de Maurienne to our 2nd Base Camp at Bourg d'Oisans is also a 'tough day at the office'.

W'ends away in 2014   links to  7 long w'end sorties  to venues which have previously 
hosted Muggs' cycle w'ends -
testing day rides, much revelry After Dark and saddle-up the next morn' for more of the same

W'ends away in 2015 will grow to at least 5 Away Games



Annual Road Rides:    


Canberra each late October for the arduous

165km Fitz’s Classic


Bright Vic.  each Aust. Day long w’end in Jan for 

200km Audax Alpine Classic


Supports three annual nearby BUG charity rides:  

100km Tour de Hills, 100km Ride2Riverstone  and  100km Bobbin Head Cycle Classic

Tout le monde est heureux  -  Everybody's happy

Regular, rigorous, challenging, recreational exercise, in the great outdoors, within a collegiate, social environment is equally beneficial for mental toughness as physical fitness. 

It is satisfying to fall back on the skills learnt during youthful exuberance as an inquisitive tear-away Nipper, coupled with committed training sessions with your mates, to achieve difficult challenges like -
(i)      cycling
165km Fitz's Classic in Canberra and/or 200km Audax Alpine Classic in Victorian Alps;
(ii)     swimming the
annual 2.7km Palm Beach to Whale Beach swim; and/or
(iii)    hiking the
Six Foot Track - Katoomba to Jenolan Caves and/or Kokoda Track
; and/or

(iv)    paddling 111km Hawkesbury Canoe Classic from Windsor to Brooklyn Bridge.  

Accomplishing onerous physical goals is rendered easier by drawing on the energy of a common bond support group.  Turning up for training on a pristine-NOT morning, is easy Peasy when your pals are counting on you. 


Conquering daunting physical challenges that you and your mates set a goal to complete, teaches you how to survive in the hot kitchens of life.

The solar system is 4b years old.  Humans, starting with Homo Erectus, then Neanderthal Man and now Homo Sapiens, have coexisted on terra firma for over 3m years.  Homo Sapiens migrated from East Africa approx. 65,000 years ago to penetrate the planet.  However, in the pretext of progress and achieving a higher standard of living, recent generations of First World Countries have burnt copious fossil fuels in their obsession with Economic Materialism.  Those advertising gurus, paid by the multi-nationals, have done a first-rate job in indoctrinating us that greed is good (for the multi-nationals).  A fixation for new, big, fast, shiny, and powerful has wrought a high price on our planet; a phalanx of eminent scientists have presented compelling empirical evidence that unless humans materially change their lifestyle pronto, future generations will pay a dear price for our self-ingratiation.  You only have to read about the rapid melting of the glaciers, and the drought across central Australia to become a Believer.

Cycling with Muggaccinos is not only heaps of fun, but more importantly in setting and achieving challenging exercise goals with your mates in the Great Outdoors, where you have to call on your wits and guile, you are hardening your resolve to handle the hot kitchens of life which 'inter alia' will -
(i)      sharpen your cognitive skills; and
(ii)     render you more capable and productive. 

You will want to stay off the sauce to beat your buddies.  But downing a few Celebratory Sherbets the night after kicking a personal goal can be powerful pleasant.  

Your kids, who can relate to challenging exercise, will develop a new regard for their Olds which will narrow the Generation Gap

Ipso facto, a healthier, more self-confident you, with fewer family hassles, will have less sick days which will make your boss happy.  You'll achieve a better job with a higher marginal tax rate to contribute more to the fiscal purse to meet the burgeoning health and aged care budget for our beloved Baby Boomers who, due to statins, anti-coagulants and blood pressure drugs etc, are hanging in there a lot longer.  The Fed Treasurer will be happy, and so will the Baby Boomers

The Health Minister will be happy too, 'cause he won't have to factor you into his obesity/type 2 diabetes and Tough on Drugs budgets.  Fed Minister for Climate Change will also reckon you are U beaut, by leading a local healthy community lifestyle in the Great Outdoors.

By not being preoccupied with yearning for a bigger home, driving an SUV, running A/C, watching an electricity sucking plasma TV, our grand kids and their grand kids will be happy that the joint hasn't been trashed and the till ransacked by the previous tenants.  But don't expect a Christmas Card from Gerry Harvey.

Golly Gosh, you never realized how good you are!!!  And silly you had been harbouring pangs of guilt for having so much fun hanging out in the hills each weekend perched aboard a few ounces of steel, carbon or alloy, trying to beat your buddies up to the next King of the Mountain summit.  Isn't ego a marvelous motivator? 

Attention risque de danger:
As explained in
Risk Management a Volunteer who invites other persons to participate in a Recreational Activity which involves risks, must include in the Invitation a Risk Warning of those risks.   Rigorous, challenging, recreational exercise produces powerful natural drugs, Endorphins, Adrenalines and Dopamine, made in the adrenal gland in response to anxiety, exercise or fear - basis of 'fight-or-flight' reaction.  These natural stimulants provide a serendipitous bonus, 'cause even though the 'can' might be almost on empty and you might be buggered, you feel chuffed, brill, ten feet tall

Unfortunately, you may experience serious withdrawal symptoms if you cease the reason for producing such potent biological stimulants, whereupon if you don't get your regular weekend exercise fix with your cycle buddies, you may become pernickety and narky.  Hence, best to continue with the reason for Getting High and to O.D. on it occasionally by tackling the annual 200km Audax Alpine Classic in Victorian Alps or 165km Fitz's Classic in Canberra, which upon conquering 'em renders you even more jolly. 



 Coupures de presse:



Most Muggs' cyclists, past and present, are described in dispatches using a nom de plume to protect the innocent (ie. to mitigate defamation actions against Scribe who occasionally tells Porkies about them in the weekly Bullsheet wrap-ups to create a colourful yarn.) 

Click on below icons for website reviews:


 "Icon" in Sydney Morning Herald


Australian Cyclist magazine May 2000


Australian Cyclist magazine Aug/Sept '06




Tips for new cyclists who would like to cycle with Muggaccinos   

Phone a seasoned cyclist with Muggaccinos at Contact Us, if you would like to chat about our Upcoming Rides - URL is bottom of threads on upper LHS.